HomeMy WebLinkAbout320063260020 DISTRICTS /3/ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRAC.T TO Rd. Sch. Pm' PU FPO SALE PRICE STATE GAME DEPAR'lMENT TJ..<6D 1 30e ~ 3 1, L H I .~ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprCNements (BUildings) B. of E. VALUE ~s~- 0' ,27 '3750 LOT SEC. 6 BLK. TWN. 20 RGE. 3 . F.tT?1r\~";' r..:. ~ 2. ~ f"l(,). 'j~~ ---..- TRACT 2 OF Gd\1T LOT 1 {II Cf 9' { See Tract 2 of Govt Lot 1 in 1-20-4 for description . -- -.-- .' .- , Ye.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /3/ SALE PRICEl Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD -2Z.... Dora Hanson Muller I 30 ~ 3 L !O~ /}/> //11'1 /.tJ , a....- Ih ~,t ~A/ - /,d 4/1 {i13 ~ jj V /J J 1>. . M / / fj / W- S 3 1/ L }/ - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - - - .' .,..._r ..~ .. ..-- -~ .- 4 "'. - ..~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Or.ler Tlmbu Unimproved ImprOVlld Improvemenh B.ofE. (BulldlnQ1) VALUE 6/ .03 .03 ~~ ~..1..0 /4- ~o $~~ - !J.6 .-- J't)~ J'tJD !ek b<>7 / tH--eJ I,de-/), b2- /3/tJ /.3/ tJ ~ S ~ ~63~ ;:J:.L ~/, 7L , ~.!M ~~ at! Z2. 5'.:J5t' Q$6J l!i If'M% IIl.5(JO /45"dO 76 / tJS7){) /O.':>-o(J .iL . o~ .03 ~'15o 0 ,('-1:;: (HJ J:i ,;:( 'IS-o C/ ':<'fsOC/ ~5 Qofv\ 11-.: l\""A .J h ;+-~ 1 'e.. U. 0 Ch-rH' ,tD-r / ..s.- TAd ...qZh - -0 ;r\ S ~c... t- ,2.0- 1-1 I f , LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ROE. / "n ') rp......... -~- }, .('If r "'v+-' T t"'l.... 1 0, Q T , c:; 1/ /97 IJ Beg at ~ corner between secs 6-20-) &. 1-20-4;th along section line between secs 1 &. 6, S 10)6' 57" E, 716.09' to stone monument and 1. P. of this description; th along sec line S 10)6'57" E, )70.40' to N meander corner between secs 1 &. 6; th NEly, along meander line to a point S 550 )8'24" E 154.50' from I.P.; th N 550)8'24" W 154.50' to I.P. containing .51 acres, more or less. exception tracts 2 and ). ,_.~. '-,- -- - ----... ------ ~--- ..