HomeMy WebLinkAbout320057590090 V.llr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I Rd, DISTRiCTS /..:50 SALE PRiCE Sch. ! Pori PUO fPO 9/72 30'30/(, Jack D. Buhacich.Jr. ,t.r-1'&5?.5' 272938 et ux erry A.Sap:er 1 09 S 3 5 L H #36975 f?t.v~ - V~3 280855 ".L.Dunn rJ #/..v $22,400 q :r 35cJ !l7!f ~0,Ju/- a, 71)/lVur ~ 'I /1 . II i~1 f3Z 'Jill, fJ,' [..J X 11.' I,~JU Jl )( ) uli) , 7J I . ---- - ~ - .......; .' , \- -- ~ -J"r.:e NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 61t? t..,f Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster nmb.f Unlmpfov.d i mpfov.d lmpro".mlnh B. of E. (8ulldln911 VALUE 1b< t51#,t10 I bl cJ.I)() ~b ""</>00 """"-~O 1.q ~~.<, '.,:)000 ~;;.S ?I- /A"''Z - /.,t,;1crG1 L/(j ~(), 7[,; I:. ;r'\'<-".-"'\ /t..CJw""'.'" ",'-_H-.__V 11 kl"l J5/)() /5.00 J'dOOO !;){)()o 10 Ci Pf./10 /, 00 fS,oo (7/ t:. 7,Roo 3(300 $";1 ~" GL "'~7' / 2.ono ;tU141." /2..= ~-/1-.8 e:- 'ltf /5;00 L':;- c>') 7L?<C'~ 2t,P ,5"0 5L S&'I'Y 2.1/-7 2, II 7 ~3~CJ L/::l?~ f!t. .;(, t/ 7 ~47 ?/75 (,1 7~ . - '~"'!'""'--~- --- - LOT BU<, ~'lS"~ SEC. TWN, 06.. '\ , .. T I nt' Sllr' '. Iii ' , .*' - 1I/i'P,'T '11@ ;vrn.v~ ~ --r ~ I J ::J) "I- L 81:, w YJ, t.J6. I(tl Tracts I, J, K & L as per survey thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Record of Surveys, page 1, under Auditor's Pile No. 279872, records of Mason County, Washington. ... ....-.... (Now Tract I of Short Plat # 1120) A tr of land partly in the E 1/2 of the NW and partly in the W 1/2 of the NW 5-20-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the N 1/4 corner of sd Section 5; th N 89" 51' 45" E alg the N line of sd sect ion 306.92'; th S 02" 14' 57" E 330.27'; th S 89" 27' 39" W 328.76'; th N 00" 50 I 13" W 332/375' to sd N line of sd Sect i on 5; th N 89" 51' 45" E a I g sd N line 13.72' +- to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. - --=.-:;-- .:..... -- - ~ "._- -~ -- ~-- ~. -._. .~..~' ".~.' -.- =---_.- '-=----- --=--- EXCEPT Tr I-I Survey 1/1