HomeMy WebLinkAbout320057500110 Yo:; ~,~o - f'-------'-'---NAME of OWNER --I CONTRACT TO R'~TS", I p,"-;~~T~-~~~S 1 {-3~ SALE 'RICE 36'a71./ - 70253 J - --, I I ,,/79 3_~6't37 Richard L. Dunn et ux (J~~,L I B09 S 3, 5__~__: H #36075 ~L ',) n {\ , I r-- ";'1,7000 nO "1uJ5_'L_JuuY fYd/1//lC f------- ~ -L-- i --- - -- . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS -~. 6.d'.o -1 Yur I Oyster TImbef I Unlmproyed I improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved I impro",.d Imp.ov.m.nts I B. of E. (Build;n91) VAlUe 71 ""--t!;:i; -a&:L.....,,-"'- 5".00 5,00 lfOOO ISSQQ'f-7dOO L/-{)tJo .& ~. .d5iJ /j, 00 1.00 :;'-;00 '7.? 360 iL ~-I -3;;'- 4,00 S:e:>o /,~O IO?5ii 0?O6>"" 2"75/? . !'lI t./. 0 0 I,UO .,5',00 / ~/.. -; <::' o 3000 7$'6':<$:" ----- -, . - ---- I ----...- --- -._-- --- -- -, -- ~-~ 1__,- I - ,- ------ -- - --, ~_.- -- r---- - --~-- - :---I-~- --- --, I ! I ; LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ~" " ~~!l)'lroo T I( . ~II" no'11 1/ /9 ~ - K RGE , ~; T~ f( &6 tDY;~ JJc. '/<( CommYat the N'W corner of NW NE, 5-20-3; thence N 89051 '45" E along the N I ine of said sub. 638.01' to the pob; thence continuing N 89051 '45" Eo333.40'; thence S 2014'57" E parallel with the Eline of said sub. 651.43'; thence S 89004'40" W 333.26'; thence N 2014'57" W 656' to the pob. -- .. .. # /J ,/-:)-74 - f,Z8I/P/; t!k/ZT OF ,)..?'LE t/NtJ""-/2 hR?:(2 _ /'Z ".8k6Z. ~Kt 0H6'lZI-;fF dl= //"'SO/o/ (~, TO r.5lVd ON i0-Cl'i/7~ L, .DuNN ~r L/< _ (OleED F/Zt)1--f SlIf <'IF F TO /.}<,;Y/.3 7.:> (JON", r11'-"PIZo-,(. fV/7H/N g Ho ;,)