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otto Porter et ux ~/)--'Ar JY';ub / D'STRICTS ) 3::< Rd. ~h' Port pun FPD ---- 1 0 ~.l_ L S f' 1_ (,0 5..3..5... 1- II ffJ.i?1. ~ Pa.d;;;,. _______ 7F/,/~ '" 7 q'_3;"'''~ ....."'''/..3 Year FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! n " 01 - 6pos- 7T .7 f'f!jo i$.25Y -'/ " -l"I.."n2.. ~ '/1(>73 4!',p ~("..., >1=9 ~ S<f'.~ _=' wq, Cb -.~ -. ---.--...-....'--'--'--........-.-........---...--:----::-....-';""';---------------------_.:...,--------~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year O)'llIr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved ImprovoO Improvementa B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5..-:. .,L,-g--o -I-- ~0 ,U/- 3-cr / L.>- 62l ~.3. 2.':'-0 ),,':'-0 /0 /(J ~o " 5.5 /0 ..530 .5q..o $ /., -?rJ l t?/1 ;:<,.50 /.;:? .';-0 ,~.qo 590 - f /.,)/) / /)/\ i."co .Po 50 530 630 ),:'0 /.(J-O ,;(. .1>0 .~o ~o ~30 736 ,~ b ~ bO btJ "7 -9' a 9/,0 ,,~ ~5() ,;;...5'6 ---re- .<lJtJ '7,f?/Y /~96i '7~ ~ .?;' / tftN} /57.:1 -"7.1':'07& -'Z- Ft LM% /ftJJI)O ~M #'~ t!CJ 12 (a) "/,,14_ . ^ ^',' , il - ~,:JO .;(.5"0 /3 7S' 0 33E56 LJ7 hOC, M .;?5() .;(,':() /3750 ~3,9~, .<j 7 (-f'Y) 15 13750 </5"950 ~97()() 1 LO.T BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~3'.sII~a}'jill ./ " . '" I'.oilI " ., , , Formerly: Tract 6 of SW SW, SE of R/W ""0 ~'\: All that portion of the N 250 ft measured along the E line of SW SW of Sec 5, Twp 20 N, R3 WWM, which li~E of center line of the Co. Rd. known as the Johns Creek Rd., s~~.~~ ~.v~J .oadw~~QSS-tAe IHeFit . :;,.... - _ H'.'.'---=- .......i.