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, .. . Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / .3r9. SALE PRICE! Rd. lIch. Port PUD FPD ;16035 60 185836 Ray V Moore ~ W Palmer 1 09 s 3 L Q~n _. -:;;J'/"r). ~ // ..../ ff,., .L 309 2. .} S' L /I 3! ~7$:J.15 17 / 7' W/..J.. / .J- 7.0 N3S/96.F ~ ft-- b~ 1;2 f!..r+eu h ~. 771, ~ / , I,~ /J 1) 71. 7l.[ , loA" "f'./ ./.AL - - !I:zd. 287:55-4- *' - - - - ~ t/J.5.- 301t. 7d d j{~1 ~A-r.J""'Ar,. <f 'I 1 F') ,y..3''77flj - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,. 'il... } /.f;-i'~l . / ..--- . - =- - .- ~ --, 6'. ,.. . .' - '- ~.-.. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oyll.r Tlmb.r Unlmprond ImpfOvt<! TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmb.r UnImproved ImpfOvtl:! lmprovBfl'lenb B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE ,,, , or 1.00 So ,r11 J2L /'00 /. 0 (j) 70 70 1..11. /'00 hOt) 70 If 7tJ ~~O 'k ~ ~ ~CI Sg ~.~ 'i- /, 1M /, IPtJ ---6- 3?5 SA'. ~ 9ci I) ~ I"! ~? -75a #70 /L"7rl _ // ~ 0 ~ ~ ?$?J .J4t1t!l 3,<5'CJ l/d<7P;; I "7qJlJ J 6EftJ 7& . ;;(5lJ r) ;;</(-/0 .?-..:fq., eJ 1,00 /.00 , ItS?s /15' eM 7 () 7.s- , Y'I /dJO /,(;)0 /IS-oo 7075' /757S' . ( " LOT BLK. .J ~~OS.~d.b:oJ dOO SEC. TWN, RGE. 'i ?O 3 Tr~ct , of NW ",W I J , "'i ,'. A tract of lnnd beginning at the intersection of the center of the County Road withlthe South line of the NW~ of the SW~ of Sec 5 Twp 20 Rge 3, thence W 435.6 ft. thence N 100 ft. thence E 500 ft. thence S 30 ft~ 127 ft. mil to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom County Road right of way, the above described tract of land contains 1.00 acre more or less. -'~.' - - --....:..~ \