HomeMy WebLinkAbout320053100010 , DISTRICTS /.30<. Yellt FiloNO~ ~/ )jce^"-~'- .N:'::E of OW':J:' ,on CONTRACT TO -Rd. ("h.'lp~rt puolFPo I I I SALE PRICE .mi/37!:-- 68 233378 Virdon Savage et ux E.Ernmons lbo9S 3 n~ $1000 __ '/""1 ~-:i7g1 P/l )~- ,I. '~ I ~ll, 5 .1 !;;" L II 7.3 b. fd.$# t.tJA~'''' !~/ . I I, - f; .J'i37f3 ".,)j jJ'.. oj hJ 'I/!?</I - . '1 r~' Jj,~<: 1_, !:>846 ,o:-dtZoR:.l> ~ 717, S', .L 1-" r< ! 1\. ' ;:;b$c:X> ...~ ~.J~ '~~ -;;:;~I I/lO~':',,: 7,- /7'&; ',e- ZlTIJ? ) J I ~~c. .,P~ II I ~ I 5'1-Ij-.oo?G7-7 '~..2: (L.., 0 /J1 N J 1- ~ . -vA-Tx"\ i "f.E~. Wf.-83'1 , V ' , "" __i<1!:J_ IT / i L._ , . I ---~ \ i----l-- ~i~- ~- I . - -. i 1-1- - , '., ! NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year I I - Ilmprovemenh I B. of E:-- Oyder Timber Unimproved Improvod TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved j Improved (Buildings) VALUE , - ~ R3 -------3'~ ,;j/) , I ,;;(@.- , 4() 1 0 /,1.1", - /. ..i5.. I- .fI',j __ L'S ~ /.4~ ~ I ,,2 .sa d2St) , to I..;: f9' I ~<J S.tPO ~ .<dt1 -..'-- ljb~'- Z#I ....+- -&- .~ ;e1 I [.;:jQlP 3'/"75 ;;%ZS- "l3 -6- -+ ~ -- 7t/. tt!.& k::r2~_ 2.e~ I/~ffao_ 1~ r}q "-0 2 y;,s-o / ' '-":..J T ..-.-- .- 1X I, <-I'; I, <./..<; .f' w' 'r,3,L ~q.:O ! .. } "I! 15 ?t./J vi.. _ qj . , I~()t>o 17 31'> CO 3()300 M::;"-E,~~ "- .. I;z.'f /.2.0 /.;2.0 11105 /'7.3"'0 2 Rdo5 , .~ I,~O I, ':<'0 I 1110 ,- 11.;J'~ .::' 'I (l <;" I , ~r . I~ I - "/.. ' > toT BlK. "'"" '~I , SEC. TWN. RGE. .:= .. -... .,- ... ~'. ~. \5 20 1 Tract 1 of !~E SW I III.. r Beginning at the intersection of the W line of NE SWand the center line of the John's Creek County Road; thence N, along W line, 165' to I.P.; thence continue N, along said W] line~'; thence E, parallel with N line of NE SW to center line of county road; thence SWly, along center line of county road, to a point thereon E, parallel with the N line of NE SW from LP.; thence W, parallel with said N line to LP. EX<U:JPr; ;#T.N TO ~.-y7'"""'-e. ~ &"",u;;,e /N' ~O~-9.e7' A,/;"E 46~r. /IF?';' //~/7'fL:3 $' 4zs-o/.3 - Se.€ /,efj' /Y'J(.:5/Y'.;i /Y,C .5/1 , .. ,.. ,,- ....=...-:-..:.-...- - A:........ .. =..,.........~~ 'v:-:-: _I I ek--=--:' . I~ . ---'-:. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved r mprovecl TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved lmprovec:\ ImprCMlments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE %'-1 1.00 /10(') 4e1~ ' '-+275 .. - .-- - y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,':0/ SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. ~I~ FPD .I/.~~~~n - ., 64 Josenh D. Sj1'r]pson et ux Roy Lee 1 109 S 3 .~ $7?0 v:>S- -fl/Ob 33 .~~ ~ ' to I~ S ~ 5" L JI :< / LJ'},,f? / ~I) , ."" 6 ~- 6 ':;~ I::;;' , ./ 0 _? S. , (7Y~ h/AA. .----1. I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - I-- - - - - I-- - - - - - - . ., .. "-""'-- ----------~--~-~-~------------------~-----------------~---------------------- .,--- ~~t.~~_ . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Oyat., Timber Unimproved Improvtd TOTAL Oylt.r Timber Unimproved Improvtd Improvemenb B.olE. (BulldlnGI) VALUE ,;($0 ,;1:s?J 35' 35 .idz. ~,4' I/o L1jrJ &- /907 /td; 22L ~~ ~;P~ . =l~tJ, ._tli1l.. %- ~a ~d' .30//0 h5t; /, Sa ....,&- -4'- ~ "f.!i. ,R.. b 6J ..:J . ,c;'/) 3?t9' _=1J(J3'tP 3YI fro 7.1 1,50 --@- ~ ~ 7'3 .:J,5(J ,;;(.,5"d --=-- 3ffb :JJtJ:!f& _-'?4It/ ~ -G- =ti- d!J- 71/ 1/.111> 'Z., 76tJ 6tJt tJ hP..;(() 14- -e- -d-- -{?- 75 I~;') 6tJbcJ U ",?C;? 7!5" .-!J-- <.9 ""f'&--. ~1 -.. ~ i - LOT BLK. , I' 1'1 I . I I I I I I I ~ f,/ ,. . .1 lEe. TWN. RGE. -- .~ " 0n '< 'T',.,~('t 1 A nf' F"' ,,];' III "'../J / , '>1..11 that Dortion of the W 218' of NE SE lying Nly oCR/W' exc~t-iollowing tract: Beg on W line o~J~-SE at intersection - vf 5",1.1 rll,e-lo_itl, tl,e Illy nt",: liJe. of County road, t~:'mc" followini< the wTtne of said..fortv N. a distance of 00': thence E, parallel wtth~~~in~of said forty 218'; thence S Va.l ",lh,l viI tl, ,ell,,;; vf ;fE DE, '" ul.:..t~ll(.e of jOO', ",or e or less, tn Nl v R/l/! _1 i r1e: thence fo] 1 owinp' Nl v R.-iW-line Wl v 218' more or less, to LP. --- .5€t5. ;;; . . ..e..,L. . a:-" :~'.... ~ ao a/IoU"" ~ .- - - ~---.;::--- - - I~ I I , ...... ~:: NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS '.ar Oyster TImbtr Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber UnlmprovCld Improved Impro....m.nh B. 0' E. (SulldlnQ$) VALUE ---- " -5,t. 1'. . / /( , , (,.. , , . . , - ~- I I"W I'" d -/t -slt, ':110 , :2 rJ " . I , I DISTRICTS /.3<>( Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. I Pon I PUD I FPD I ! I t..ri I Virdon SaVage et ux L.G.Pabner 1 I,oc S , L H #101,,,", ~/f ) -r;,'/ / i.y!9 -- /;i -- $ /1l.;- // 5 ."'< 5- c... /! ;b.gffiJ~ h#. fi ad. 751/ 7 - it;" , :8. , / ~ ~Q}. (l ~ i l--tJt n ^ ft:ciPb'l6/ , B.rraooll ~ dO I QS'7 IJ,4 ~,;f. P.. 1./ I~o I I ....rf 7'7~ uo.,p /5"D 000 PA.- t! 71 .I_ I I - i . -.. I _.~-- , . ; I .- '11 ----- '----t- , I NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year! Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improvl!d TOTAL I Oyster Timber I Unimproved i Improl'ed Ilmprovemenh , B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - - _'1 ,d}CJ ,,;7. & /t:J I fit) - .. ~ .:2./J ~ ----.LfJA- -Ltff L .. 5, % ~A/I .;J. 1M ." " I /Ap ~ ,//, A 4/,f) IJ , . lb .;? ,'0 0 :lO~ g'1 ,.,ri 0 ,EM> 760 9" 0 , ~ ~ ......~ .r-~ )/ ./ , .. u,,-.... ''"j Ih '_, h fw' <)!./ 1/~~'j.t7 r 5 2 n ..,f!; ; ; + I lOT BLK. f7\.1^ ' y'\~'t.YK 171 - SEC. TWN. RGE. .~:- ~ '~'1 . . 5 ?() ? 'rT'~,....t ? nf Hli' Ql.r 1/1': { Beginning at the intersection of the W line of NE SW and the center line of the county road (John's Creek); thence N, along the W line of NE SW, 165'; thence E, parallel with the N line of NE SW to center line of said county road; thence SWly, along the center line of said County Road, to the I.P. --'~:.'- ..........- ---- -' -. ~'.'~ ----- - - ~ -=-~=,-.~;..~.~.~\....~,~- .v"f~ -' ::J{>-'" ,1/W S w -4' ~cA-P: ~ (2,;W) R'1- {j, /-U-U .J-"J~ ?IN...,;( - }~q-- .9>'(JcLt.r, ,~~ a.o v.-12.u- k, ;;"''''''rJ..,.-,,-- ";1":'