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Y... FIl. No. NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I? / Rd. Ich. Part PUD FPD I ~L>2- 5-;-2 S P / ~a:l ,S .3 !L / W SALE PRICE ~3 150 D 331 Kenneth Bishop & Roya' Getty 14-9,;,7I.P d/bia c;anadiancAl!!~.r~gan unnstmas Tree omlJanv ..J..fL A:' -#. a,',!. &) V,f7.5.ZS- ;(;;J....rp.rkl if. a;,1-gJj; /.' I __ tJ /'17?/(~ );h' .' y~/" AI J~.. ~~.;~ _____ ii- )' J W'.I;"/~r }I jp" J:.J .d. ~ _~J3,zjJf5D 7/-" .J-lj,~.~,iJJoW.i0. L. / Ji:2.. 4;cNI8 ~.</~ kA/./rJ!.B1KLEN,I"',/J/Y,,(/ ~ / SdC};cJcJ >'-/..5/77 .PZ(j'2-:.;-/ 1/// t7 <7 ""'/.;?/S7 ""1''1..';&. ------ 1'1'8'4$58 /J (7/.) ---- I- - --f---- __-...-..-0:: " . . .- ".Ae _______________________c_-=_=_____________~____~~=__=_~_==_~~__c__=___ ~____ ~ ,.. ,. '"" ,.,. .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r OJ,", TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order TImber UnImproved Improved lmprov.menb B. of E. (Bulldll"gl) VALUE 5"3 .;{-o- ;;ZO lotJ /tJO M lc:r;;Lf /5;;4 I eM /ao E.. /? 0 /,;<. 0 5"/? I.C2f I<~-..J~ /~o //0 230 , / ,;{cJS M /5:.;),tf /!:>~~ 15'0 395 /,SJ ?b~ -?, tJJ). /d~ /stJ ~~S- i4z /~ /~O ~k.~ I4z- ~ ~ /5$" /-7....<) 33,tJ j(L ~,() /?5 //~LJ -.?,j' l? 97;; Irt//) En ~CJ " f ~. -"/.;:?~ u.. . 3SitJ '//1 /tJtJ% ~o -1'.?~ t1 "'/;" b/l)r) L//> 6.,:,'j ,/ 79 7/.:2 It,.;;;.. /.:<. (Ctr) /I"" 1'2/:;'70 t<21 ~1'O'O 4~()O{) d. d.lli' t. ~oo ,~,:)' .'(; LOT BLK. J.()! IEC. TWN. RGE. '"_1... 20 3 E~ Tr. ? of N. 10 ~rr'~ o~ ~W s~ /"~..,/ , . .~..~-. _~,........."l:' . . .....,"'... That portion of N 30 Acres of SW SE lying W of E 210' and E of W 500' lying S of Co. Rd. -~