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0 \ONTRACT TO Yen FlltN;- 17(; 5 ~- t' ~AME t'lN ER \O-O~ DISTRICTS /9/ SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Pori PUD FPD ~. . ",,-;-ItA J/7 r..e1..... - - - - 1399'11 I 1 402 S 2- L P -5.2- w. B. Poston - ~ P-/.. -$ ~jYd () m.~ ~~Jt!z! L 1iQ .:2 .3- ,,- I- If ~ 5 . :>',:'..;7.3 ;;> ,j,?, t!v. ~6d') Ie':;') k. #1/000 uIJ;?l?j, . J/a.r6JJ~. [-. G<logyg 3k -7 '/3f3.JS . f, (/ Il( J WI') - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - .. .---' .- -~~----------~----~---~----~----------~-~-~~-----------~~_::~--~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oydet Timber U'l1mproved Improved TOTAL OYlte.r Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemonh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 53 ~ ...r- ~ dJL .ur ~ ~ - 53 :z.3o /0 /70 /Ro - 53 330 / ;/30 .;(0 3cJ /70 ..;7.;(0 S,5; ;3,.30 /'00 ~30 OZCJ -30 /.5 -0 -Zoo ffl- .9, ?() /. C/J -Y-JO 00 30 /~o ;(30 t-r q,30 t/;3o /05"" 330 t:.L"3S- ~.4 A ... /a~ -$- /Ob I..:!' a -- /3tJ /3~ k'1L" 'l 1f t:, ~5 6~S 2Q 3a?,o , 1/;::2fb /.$< 90 b- , /~rptf) /~9{] .ItJO'.% , :il1 ::; :)SJP(J /1 3fJIO -;)It'J jg If. ^1 tJ If. .3 (J 7 i (cJ 7310 33 17.::1 r!... /7.~,."'>; LO.T BLK. I I ~u,Ifii;tf; j-f\';OTlfml SEC. TWN. RGE. 4. 20 3 :::. :.. .~,S~,.sl"SE sw * (.I- . / / ,/ _.o!' F' -:- :.... ---- _......--........,. -~-~..._~ ----~ -~ ,:. Ex. Parcel 10 R.R. RJW :0.. 2 PuF....r; , --/ '-- -'-- '-- -- -. -'- ~.... Y..r Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO D1STllICTS /9/ SALE PRICE portl~lFPD . Rd. Soh. - ---2.L 148783 Kirk Realtv. Inc. 1 t..02 S 3- 1-- ~ 70 "'L-7/Jd -iff- 7-f' ~~~ / i?o'a..;; .S .a t;' L /I ..zL ~?7?11 100001G ATED G-J2.k ,~L CO - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - ~-'. --------------------------------------------.'---- & .Q2. ~ & ~ ~ f- ~ - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oyster Tlmbtr Unlmp.roVld Impro....td TOTAl... Old., Tlmb.r Unimproved Improvtd lmpro.....m.nb B.orE. .' (Buildings) VALUE ~.:~. ,t)5 ,dS- Ii} /0 5 ,;j,j/ .,13- .!1o 50 -- L .05"" . ()!:) ";<'0 ~O . . ...!!; ~ ,;2,-(' ';:<5 I, , .... i=;f~ -;; 56 S'6 'DES GNA TED ,. _<S/J . .5'6 .5'" S /_~ 5 5' ,:0- S S ."\' '.:':,. ". .~'t ~ ,Q , ...... . - " ~.,. . 2k. 5- .s- 11- -5 S 2f... S- - .L, 19 -DE~/{~ r,/ l:, I....". J ,C'.C:;- 5' ~ - ~ .s- 11/ IO~ , O~- --- -S- .::; I LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. [T1'Tf!': ~ : ! DcES16NATEO E.2acres of NE 1/4_of_~E S\'l, .N. of Co. Rd. ~. Z</ . 4-~9_ 3_ .,. .~-- ~ . LLLJ I -L NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I I I . . L1_ Y'''T I Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAl. Oyster Timber Unimproved I Impr':)ved Improy.menh I B. of E. (Building1i) VALUe ~,. oS- ,0 ';;'" ..6 .1 s- -c-' 63 DEr ~i[,",'" ",Ti=n ~ -~ . . '\l\; 009- - ... ~... ~~ ,,17 A I J.-l .- .' .1.- 1.1} ;I- "-(lAi.L t. .., . ;, " ----- -- - ---- -- --- --- I ------- --.-- f-- 1- - -. -- .==1 -- -.- ---- - .-- --_.- -- I-. ~-- - --- - - -- --- , .. - I I I I