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Year FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1/6 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD r- - -5Z 120QO' ~?~ 3000 1 1Jili .Jl 3- .k S p - 7~ '303303 llCW 84.88 .L 1c}. 5 ;} 5 1- 1/ - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "~ '- __u.p ~.- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS r "13 I Year O)'s[er Timber Unimproved Improvcd TOTAL. Oyder TImber UnImproved Improved Improvcmcnts B. of E. (Bulldlnas) VALUE 5"3 '10. q 6 1-/0. '16 :2.cTO ,:2.{70 !j~ -Y'cJ "piS ~CJ...Fh !foo 300 ~ 4o,%'t '10. s ""- .315' 3 CZ5' - ~-I; ,,/35 ~ .l/3S- -- it ..:; "'h 5f/r:i _.GV /.i 14- ~.1t /jO.,f6. -&-- 2 '. .:U;:<X" ~ .(; '4/1 5//6 ~/I.(J -- .z:f ~ ,},,15'o 7r/S- 7.2. if "f!~d '7/.50 7"/.0 7'-1 "~" .,~ ~,,% - /~,?O .$~ C~~ !<'UREST -- ~ 40 .If&; ~-:!b ,d:(~40 ~60 ll4.33 - .& 31,/5- 3/t/.s- 12 3~t.{.o ..3 8 '+0 .2ff. "f tI S{. J-fO.8% JfOO,t,- ~€ - 79 .3 /p ? 5:' ,~~ J'i - lO."t BLK: ",,---. - - . SEC. TWH. . RGE. \!]::J6.0.#::.LfJf)tiJ..b'<CiAss. FOREST 4 20 3 NE NE /cJ'" ". . llCW 114.3a ~-", -L- ~. ~UMBER OF ACRES Yellr! O,:;;;r Timber I Unimproved I Improved .f1L ,~, ~?~ES' ,j 0 . fh .1L t/O, rPt. 12 J3 if gS ______. 7"", n. TOTAL '-I (J ., (. ,10, 3'h "I",ft. ,.----.- -- -----...>-------- .------ ------------- - ---------f------ ----- ----. I I Oyster -- U I I I I --- VALUATIONS . II.O,? Timber Unimproved I Impr:)ved !lmprov,m,nfs II. of E. I (Buildingl) VAlUe 39(.,S- -~ .?f?,5 ~210 '-IlIO ~77S- ,;('71s 3/tf< __-'? I,.f'''- 3/10 s/,f'C) 3/1./0 <31'10 I . 1___- . ~p -;--~ I~--