HomeMy WebLinkAbout320037500060 y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CO'TRACTTO DISTRICTS /'1'/ SALE PRIC~ Rd. Sob. Pori PUDIFPD I ''14. l..0 . S 1 . -;/J'-(,S'Jr ---23..... 144400 Lewis P. Arnold et ux 1 L ...,..~- /5T/;?;! 4' "X6-7./7v Ll.",~.tr0- Jd L ...0& s 3 c;- L- VI !} '~7So ":'e- .::t> "v (J 1 ~"'. {fdiJJ..v.~a . "-1/7 . ~ . 7 . tJ <56 Z H .r.cR A"AdL ./!'.u J . ~ z. , d- ,~ "'/ i/"L? If,.o;O< I-- - - - / i /' (/ ~" J;/:rI I) ,'Y f /.:::JO ?) {I A /;t~~?J !JI;'3"Uoq, e.f ' 'iJ. ) 0>. A Ii fj (L, ~ - - r-- .J.L / ./~ I-- /;<14." ~ ~ /,) ,.,q~p .1'04.' i 17-1"" e.. " ^ A --;/d I ,(//1 JJ ~.;.~ tf. 5",:}:J.J ^. - - - -- 3 't ( 13~o;,O ~ 11 n .J:d. t nf) AI,. ;'/ '\ ""?01J5,f'/o - - ~-;DOO. I.lof 43 2 0 /"/ . 9967 88E 12/84 435295 Lawrence Scott Lockwood et ux - - - -- "I&'5 '1-'11 '1'13 .i!.vJ>-t.rt- C. Aa~, ..fUA<(~ #- 9/ ?/JR (/ ~ )/S/, - - - - - - 1f..s-~nt"Jb ND - - - - f---- ~=--.~- . '.. ~ -. , . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS VII' Oy.ter TImber Ul'llmp(ll...&d ImprovM TOTAL; Or.lar TImber Unlmpro....d lmpro~ Improvements B.otE. (Building.) VALUE ..ti3 ;?,d j :200 /0 /0 4- _~, t? 17 _~ , eN) 00 5CJ .2.f. at) //J.JJo / t! tf() M ..).tJ/J ,..,/dJ (J ....2tJ cJ //& () /.3{,0 it:u. ;(.~ ,;;(. o-v IS-o /;;( 0(;) /35b Mz - /,15 /.6"05" /&:, ?o ~ .~ ~ . /.4K .$tj/J ..:JLJ.<fS . $L IL:; ~~" /t'/CltJ 30 It) --1&/0 '2Z / t? S"t) 3 t1 /IJ #tf6t) '1J m(J~ amo k',OtJo P({,;;JO 2fz. ~7cV; If' //_, . :.>;.y" 1>1 ,;2.,00 ..2.,.-,..., . '-'1400 ,;;. 17.2.0 ;). 7( .lJl rL L,1,50 dA/() 0 '? ( ;;t; rJ 17 (' ,;2~':;o :23' ~ 5q, '0 " ..-' ..". >\0 (,150 ;2.510cJ 31.2.50 LOT BL.K. lEe. TWH. RGE. -l - '5' 0 g l~o,03.7, .0.0 :6\ '"'..J-. 20 '1 Tract.-6 of Survey 11/75 -? ./ -Formerly Tract 22,of,.NE NW l' 1 Tract of land in that portion of 1m..- NW"Seo 3-80-3~ lying Nand E of oenter line of Co~ Rd~ as follows: Bgn at interseotion of center line of Co~ Rd~ and the Eline of NWI Thn N along said Eline. 425 ft; Thn W parallel with N line of said NEt of NWt 533 ft~ more or to an interseotion with center line of said Co'; Rd.; Thn SEly along c enter line of,.. said Co. Rd'; to pt of bgn'; Contain 2 actes. more or leas. of said NE / lea:/ / NEW DESCRIPTION PER AF# 435295: (Tract 6 of.Survey 11/75) That ptn of the NE NW 3-20-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the standard quarter corner of 34-21-3W.W.M., which is marked by a 1 inch iron shaft; th S 89048'30"E alg the N line of sd Section 3, 66E.78' to the closing quarter corner of sd Section 3; th S 00025' 27"E alg the E line of NE NIl' of sd Section 3, 161. 90' to TPOB; th S 70000' 17"W 286.56' to an existing fence; th S 710 32'51"W alg an existing fence line, 171.95' to a 1/2 inch re-bar; th S 57049'09"W alg an existing fence line 207' + - to .the ell of Mason Lake Co Rd; th SEly alg sd ell tap on the E line of NE NW of sd Section 3 which bears S 00025'27"E from TPOB; th N 00025'27"W 529' + - to TPOB; EXCEPTING therefrom Mason Lake Co Rd. ~ ~,')(.wr\< .-- UL4-Zvt., ~07 -/(J71'-/O~ .""~)f.,1W ~ ~i~,-;- L -.- LJ I I I -r -. ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES I. VALUATIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildin9S' VALUE i.6 -- ,;2. t) 0 ';;.00 /,./50 ;Z( 7:Lo c/7R7n U / ;)(.,:J "- 3:JJ?Z'c. 1/5'1/J.<J 22 fJ<?1'~)/1? 7ks,,f+ 5.2n 8./kJ /1:::I"O,22J?oo $0000 - - --- -_.- I ____0" --- -- 1._- -- -- _===1 - --- -- -- -- - .---- f----- --- --- 1--- - ----- ---- f---- - --- ------!; ._---" , -.----- I , i I Year FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ Rd. Sch. Porl PUD FPD I f---- - I1_J+-02 S ~__~ ~ p LI~,'" S,3 ~1-1:.. i SALE PRICE: 54 154198 M. E. Wright. a batch. ,.:; ~ !. ,11.,. ~/,.fo/1"~ ..h '. J1'nrd tf r./ R /dEf':; C! A ~ -- (, 3J! ~;;;fl-d~"b Ao <: d. k rJ j7.n 3'8/ riA"'" .) ~ If, a..tL A J c) (j / {Y -= /3'i'R/ ~~~, ------ I ;!fCJ:f 'rtdo. ,,, wt-l[.J.' -- 1--- . .~"'. ~ I-----f----- -1----- . .. .., "'.'. --:.~ ~- _._;.,~-_.._... - -- ....--~---------: ...~-_.... -- --..........--... ---':"--:':.---::......~ .Q--- ---- ..r_ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Orlt.r Timber Unlmprovl1i Improved TOTAL Order Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .M. J, ').-0 /. 'YO /0 /0 -4- , 5"0 5"""0 ;,.:21') /.2Jl .M /.':(1) /.~O b 0 60 (,j,., ..0 1.5 ~.5' ..l: ",'Z, &l /- :2& /,.20 -tr /5dJ /sa ft 4 '1'P ~qtJ~ :Jf'/J /1 ~ . 3dd ~ti6 2i ~ -:?~Ci :;'d)o f,?J 7)') 7 .7..i.. /. :J.. 0 /, .2 /') " dnJ-/-o ,;l f)'-/-O ?3 ~ , ~"M"" t.INN A. JUbr. 1-57-" '1.~. '7 ...~. M. I 4f.'ff'ff, ~ WI:nt -Ff- ~ - ,..-, 'NI"; , / --' LOT BLK. SE4l. TWN. RGE. ~ Tr. 3 of NE NW - 7"'"7 ,- 20 :3 ~ / ~\ Formerly Tract 24 of NE NW Commencing at intersection of centerline of Co. Rd. & E. line of' NE NW; Thn N along said E. line 4a5 ft. to pt of bgn. of tract of land hereby descr. Thn continue along E. line 104 ft. Thn W. parallel with N. line of NE NW to intersection with centerline of Co.Rd i Thn SEly along center line of the road to a pt. thereon W. parallel to N. . line of said Forty from pt of bgn. Thn E. parallel with said N. line to pt of bgn. JeL ~\AuJ-~ 8/1 to i ,~~;~~.~-.~= -~~-- -."J'i',