HomeMy WebLinkAbout320037500040 Yo., FII, No. NAME of OWNER COIlTllACT TO DISTRICTS /'?I SALE PRICE Rd. ..... Port PUD FPD - - pi ':;//9'7'/ ~ 173541 Robert D. Blake 1 02 S 3 ~ 74- :1/ .//AM -:I? _/7 L A /1 d .'" c- /1 ..L 1t~ ,;; 3 ...5.. L II ""'/7'7': &7'6 JN1!z;~ y};, 5. .7"f "'- p/ 7/", J. ." .... :,.,.,.... J ~'.~ '-l. ) S-~ ~ '7 ()' -;'i'.7I -'" cB!. ;/. , /.. ....-:"~ //;";;:- ___.c...,~ / 435291 Marv E.&ake I.;xx) ~89968 QCD 12/84 435296 - 89973 QCD ,/ - I--- - - -I- - - - - - - - I- - - - - ---oo;.~-----------~ .' ------------------------------------------------e,---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yo" OylUir Tlmb.r UlllmgroYlld Improved TOTAL Orlgr Tlmb., Unimproved Improved Improvemenlt B.otE. (!luIJdlngs) VALUE <;~ .5~ .52 10 10 .!d .b~ . fi"' ~ S-o DO M1J' ?!1 ~ he!) ,0.0 ~ - ~ c:I.5f:J "i>?Q'tI - 2lL ~ A 5"';) '" ilK Jl t.J E"' -? R I!l .:: 5/J '-?'rJ- .JJ. Sbt>> tj 5J!/.J S21;PO ~ --r&-- ~ -&- 2.2. 5tfft2 45%0 Sh~tJ}i ~ -tJ- ,--& '14 :m-% , /a1Jo r/~& /tf/c{tJ 1", -&- ~ -'(9- ~ , , / CJ Iff.() 9/to I()/bo 16 --:~--,Z'D //)'1( _: /_^ :?5J 7P C:7 K'J S~OCJ ~/31" '2.t-.??/t; 7'1 -& -() ~, - LOT BlK. lEe. TWN. RGE. , ~ZO~03T7'51~9:O~ Tract 4 of Survey 11/75 ;J.., f.,f_ I /.. ?-c' 3 20 3 ) Formerly Tract 25 of NE l-n'i & FORMERLY: Tract 1 of NE NH ' Com at the intersection of the center line of the Co. Rd an1' the Eline of NE NW; th N, along Eline, 849'; th W, parallel with the N line of NE NW to an intersection with the Eihy R/W l.ine of Co. Rd.; an.d being _the NW cornel of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Lester D. Elliott; th Nly along Ely R/W of Co. Rd., 30' to LP. of this desc; th continue Nly, along the Ely R/W line of Co. Rd, 250', more or less, to N line of NE NW;' th E, along said N line, l81';th S parallel with E line of NE NW, 5' more or less, to the Nly R/Wline of a private roadway; thence SWly along Nly line of said private roadway to the I.P. I \ " NEW DESCRIPTION PER AF# 435296: That ptn of the NE NH 3-20-3W.H.M., daf: Beginning at the standard quarter corner of Section 34-21-3W.H.M., which is marked by a 1 inch iron shaft; th S 89040'09"W alg the; N line of sd Section 3, 278.5' + - to the ell of Mason Lake Co. Rd.; th SEly. alg sd cll tap which bears S 3205l'04"W from TPOB; th N 3205l'04"E 303' + - to TPOB; : EXCEPTING THEREFROM Mason Lake Co. Rd. ,..--e- - -= . - - - . ~.;- li/jlli-/-/ . ~ I- . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Y..!r I Oydor Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I i Oyder limber Unimproved Impr';lv.d Improv.m.nh B. of E. (BlIildinqsl VALUE ~ f----- 5.;;. 5:J. ..5So d .;1.(3/5 ;zr. ?I /5 20 -A-- -$- ~ XL "'i._,o () ;l/3/,5 :l.~ N.;; 91 ,5~ ,5';}" --e-- -e ~ m - S'SVo .,;)1~1" 2JJR,("" 87 -fJ --(j. -@. -----. 83_ / / 00 C ,;) <1,r,.,o 'It; ,5 CD ;J -e- ~ --6- -- --- Llfl.Jl..SL ' "-PO n I 9'0 \? nO ----- -~--- -- 11/ ,S'.;J. ,S:J.. --- .Q. ~ 1_ n i5 ------ --- J.lnOO -?'" .0(") t ,/", ;>",.... (j(...v r-----f-- .- 6 -6 --er .---- .-- ---- ~- - ----- - - -- , - ! i i I