HomeMy WebLinkAbout320034200020 Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ SALE PRICE) Rd. Soh. ?o"tuo FPO - - ---52. lho>;o; ~.~~~ = 1 ll,o; Sb; L SF M.. /./(tJ79/ d~/ L 4t~ .5 ~ ;;- L fL f5j 'f?;< 00 ~ f 2= Jd ~~ !JfJ~t,5z .J"'j'R/ N 1 iM ~a'" r/'" - - #70606 28~ . </3?3Sl- J-n', 'AJ 7Jl, L? ../-;};, d) Ieee '* 90..s;/0 - - '('r:.o - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - I- - - - I - - - - - I - - - - ._---. -------------:-~-----~-------~----------------------------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yoar , Improvemonll 8. of E. Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved (Buildings) VAl.UE 53 2. .2- /0 /0 .b~ 2.. .:'2--- I /0 172:0 17:1 0 .s:C; /0 I 110 fl;2 0 - ~ /..10 loo 2M ~ 5?) /r/O D.?~ I- ..Ej. J',(}O ~---.L2CL ~,dd -"'0 50 /7/0 ~% .t...12 /,tri) /,0-0 <>1t.>-V ffC) at) /9/0 c2C'/O kL /.rl /.d'7J S'o S-o ;;J. sf./b ;;).. SZL; I- ,.:J.v-o 1:k --- ~(l ~o 3G1i,{,6, Wdb ~ /~ - J/L &<. #" 4,/J0 -&- ~() ~qtJc:1t) .' k I..! b1x '/ tJ tJIJ Q,o?0 "7 t/lo li ~,~.;1. ~t.;;l.. /&4/5 -tMt/o. 2N.s:. - 2!l (ffd % ~5'1(j g;O.fS" L<-6?6: l- 2!:- ~9o /'}?.JJ P7cJ~~ .lK ,;z . !. ;z. ,;;..t.::L .5.5()(> ,;2.:20 ;:is b7L;--,.;' r .8,2~ 6.:2~ &'sz.V" 2.z.~~S 285'5("' "''' ./ LO,T BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 3 20 "3 !23,;z.o031;lD 0 () ~ 01 . Tra C't ? nf Govt Lnt, "3 Nt' "W 7","l ./ \ Formerly: Tract 8-E of Govt Lot 3 All that portion of follow desc real est whioh lies Wly of Wly R of W of Sec. State Hy No. 14A: Bgn at point 28.05 chns E of i Sec cor between Sec3& 4, Twp 20 N, R3 W,WM Thn S 4.25 chnsj Thn E 12.40 chns to IP of this desc. Thn (va'022030' E) S 89030' E 10.12 chns; . Thn N 61 30' E 2.31 chns to meander line S 34 E 4.01 chns; Thn S 72030' E 6.00 chns; Thn S t8030' E 1.05 chns; Thn 76 W 20.00 chns; Thn N 65~W 1.62 chns; Thn N 8.96 chns, more or less to IF, contain 13.10 acres, more or less, exc R of W EXCEPr THAT PORTION conveyed to Bayshore Inc. on Deed #283598 ALSO I That portion of the NE SW as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of Swt; thence S 0002'15" E along the E line of swi a distance of 280.50' to I.P.; thence N 89029'00" W a distance of 250' parallel to the N line of swi; thence S 0002'15" E a distance of 125'; thence S 64030'04" E a distance of 276.89' to a point on the E line of swi; thence N 0002'15" Wa distanoe of 241.95' along said E line to I.P. ALSO by QCD #383652: Commencing at the W 1/4 corner of sd Section 3; th S 880 59' 28" E 2632.12' alg the E/W cll of sd Sec. 3 to the center of sd Sec. 3; th S 100 I I' 19" E 209.87' to TPOB; sd point bears N 480 19' 26" E 3543.74' from the SW corner of sd Sec. 3; th S 860 45' 14" E 342.42' +- to the Wly rlw of Sign Rte. 3; th Sly alg sd W rlw I ine to the S line of tr conveyed to C. Dietz Kadoun & wf by deed da 9-14-76 recorded under AF# 321042; th N 88" 59' 28" IV 325' +- alg sd S I ine of Kadoun tr to the N/S cll of sd Sec. 3; th N 240 00' ..~ _50"...f.8~' +- to 59 TPOB._ _ __ ____: '~_H____ . ____~~" ...'...."lo.. ~ ~ . LJ --L- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I I . , Year I Oyster Timblf Unimpro....d Improyed TOTAL r Oyster Timb.r Unimpro'ted I Improv.d Impro'l'lmlnh 1 B. (ll E. (Build!IlQ~1 VALUE 13 --- -- Jd. t. .5.~b ~.Q.. 33 Cl,tJCi .s tJ'Ioa -- -----. - -- -.-- 1-------- --- --- 1 ___m ---- -- - 1___- --- - -- ------ --- ---- - _==1 - -- .---- 1----- 1----. --- 1-- - -- - - - ----- I - ! I I -- , - I