HomeMy WebLinkAbout320031490050 Sf "' .; Z.J?l?d~2 v.., F~lf4.1 ' v CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'il SALE PRICE -104799-14~3~~1~7276 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - 'i.L... 10220' Eli S. Willey et ux 1 ~ s l -- L 61 18700t :foe Tindall et ux / 50;2 5 c# {; L VI 1116489 ~t .D1 kJ..J - - ff 3.:z 957 ~ /. ~ :;.11:7).... 1 .. / !I 1/ 1/,1 ~. ( 'X .,~. *- .~3.;;'.<lf,f ~::!l~~/:~z) OSOo - - - - - ":2>'O/f-~Z- Itjgz I/tJ81M - - $/?.?t7on NP - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - .- ue-- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - ~ Vo.. Oyst.r Tlmbor Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL Oyltflr Timber UnImproved Impro...ed Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlncs) VALUE 53 .2.'lr/ d.9r.J \ /,20 470 5'10 2L -- ..; :J7 Lj.;;' 7 /40 L/7a & 10 - 55 4.77 1/,77 150 I;/. d. 0 137d 5& 331- 1,3P i77 %() 70 / :<.:},{) 1370 .57 ;;3 'I 1,3J </.77 ,;laC! /00 /.;;;1. C! 15d. 0 .5--:f 5/1- /3g .t/:i' ,J.. dO{) loe /2.:1 0 /5";1.0 k 3/,/ /3R "L.s~ .;u;, 0 /00 /t/I/!:J ) '7~5 lk -1-1. _ .#: ~ ... . /,.1705 d./-Po /~"'> M [fa ~5"O /~5' 'p/.r;" 1//jO " t..9 J/S:J #:~ .-6 "7tftCJ ,R/~ /.4/~ ~ ~ ?'& /4tfa /Wo &1" 2L 3,5.;( 3. S'.;l. 9t?6 ~ OA~ :tz 'I'~ 4/Sd) . /cP/J.f:: /610 ... ry~ S- 7i lo,l?;', 3t,r~ ~ ~R~n' ;t? 5"1;<0 I??R,) ;< :< <;?"'rJ LOT . BLK. .[C. TWN. . , 20 3 ~~ ~ L!:fFf /),Of;\Oj - *" Tract 5 of Govt Lots 1-2 -. . ROE. , Fo~merly: E~ & W~ Tr. 12 ex Tr. A; Tr. 14-D of Lots 1-2; Tr. 15-B of Lot 1 ex. Tr. A; Trs. 16 & 17 of Lots 1-2 Tr. 12: Beg at corner to sees 2 & 3 and run th S 25050' W 1857.8', S 70037' w 176.72' and N 250 W 30' to LP.; th N 250 W 200'; th S 7003'i7l~W:2<;lO'; th S 250 E 200'; th N 70037' E 200' to I.P. ex por of tract formerly known as Tract A. .72 acre. Tr. 14-D: Beg at corner to secs 2 & 3; th S 25050' W 1857.8'; th S 70037' ~ W 176.72'; th N 250~W 30'; th S 70037' W 400'; th N 250 W 200' to I.P.; ~th N 70037' E 200'; th N 250 W 250.01' to N line of Lot 2; th S 89036' W 1 ~ along N line of Lot 2, 210', more or less, to point N 250 W 318' from LP.; I~ th S 250 E 318', more or less, to I.P. - 1.33 acres. Trs. 15-B, E~ 12 & 16: Beg at N corner common to sees 2 & 3; th S 25050' W 1857.8'; th S 70037' W 176.72' and N 250 W 30' to I.P.; th S 70037' W 100' th N 250 W 200' to SEly line of tract conveyed to Eli Willey; th S 70037' W 100' to SW corner of Willey tract; th N'250 W 250' to N line of Lot 2; th Ely along N line of Lots 2 & 1, 292.3', more or less, to Wly line of county road; th SEly along W R/W line 238'; th SWly 100', more or less, to a point 100' N 250 W from I.P.; th S 250 E 100' to I.P. ex por of.tract formerly known as Tract A. E~ 12-.26, 15-B-.45, 16-1.10 acres. Tr. 17: Beg at corner to secs 2 & 3; th S 25050' W 18~7.8'; th S 70037' W 376.72'; th N 250 W 30' to I.P.; th N 250 W 200'; th S 70037' W 200'; th S 250 E 200'; th N 70037T E 200' to I.P. - .92 acre /VOTE: JE';:;(Ve/~7/~N' Ft?/Z. TH/S T/e/-le., /05 N"'~ I/<? t5 t7F sY'? 1'/::>;:>8- ..:5EE' 05#o.-er ~.(....r Ft?/Z. <2:t?~T oOE.:5a.A?r:r.r/oN. -.:.- -~...?-~- 1f ))E5IJ./Z;P-;/M tW ()eELJ ,0 .~R.T,e- (/IF..H7~5S84) 1:5 /1-/ 1!5"/2AU>/2 - .DE::SO-"!/JPr/o/V 'J/v.,;5y:?Hb:?.$ Fo/Z. u&rzr LJ /oS <:ZCU,"""..€e..r. ..::>~ F/~ /N -i),e";W/F/2. UNL>~ 'j(;;""r';=;:--o ~,e<u;:'~ j ~~. m ". NUMBER OF ACRES -LI V ALUA TIONS Ye4r Oyster Timber Unimproved lmprov.d TOTAL O.,d.r Timb.r Unfmpro.,1d lmprQvld Improvlmlnh B. of E. - (BuildinQ'1 VAlue 1-1 ,YO.A -<...5":2- ~.5..,), 35'.:;t Cl 311c) ~~3o 19 II (. :l. g5. ;l'47(J /~7.s~ $3 V .:?S-~ ;;.!': .::l. /1."00 ':?S';'J."a '11.;(()o -- ----- --- -. -- - -- - - . - I