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Rd. Sch. Port 'puolFPO
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Yur Oyster Tlmb.r UnlmpfVved Imprond TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmblr Unlmprovl!Id ImprOV.d Improvl!Imenh B. of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
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LOT BLK. . Fif"::;:1I\A. r~ J JflJ D .n l/i7n
" 3 20 3 Tract 4 of Govt Lot 1 ;",4;)<".'
Tract 14-A of G Lot 1; Tract 15-A of G Lot 1; Tract A of Trs.
15-B & E!'Tr. 12 of G. Lot 1
Tr. 14-A: Beg at corner to secs 2 & 3; th S 25050' W 1857.8' and S 70037'
W 176.72' to I.P.; from said I.P. run N 250 W 30'; th S 70037' W 100';
th S 250 E 410', more or less, to meander line; th N 87030' E along meander
line, 100', more or less, to point which is S 250 E 410', more or less,
from I.P.; th N 250 W 410', more or less, to I.P. - .94 acre.
Tr. 15-A: Beg at point S 25050' W 1857.8' from corner. to secs 2 & 3; th
S 48020' E 61'; th S 40056' E 122.3'; th S 48025' W 28' ~nd S 72004' W
107.6' to I.P.j from I.P. run S 72004' WIOO'; th N 250 W 204.7'; th S 800
E 91.4'; th S 32030' E 169' to I.P. - .40 acre.
Tr. A: Beg at point S 25050' W 1857.8' from corner to secs 2 & 3j thS 700
37' W 176.62' and N 250 W 30' to I.P.; th N 250 w 100'; th NEly 100', more
or less, to point on Wly line of county road which point is SE along Wly
line of R/W 238' from N line of Lot 1; th NWly along Wly line of county road
to a point thereon which is 20' at right angles from last described boundary
th SW and 20' at right angles from said line extended to an intersection
with a point on Wly line of a tract deeded to Eli Willey; th S 250 E along
said W line 75' to SW corner of said tract; th N 70037' E 100' to I.P.
.25 acre.
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