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- Yur FIll No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1'1/ SALE PRIC~ Rd. Soh. Porl PUOIFPO I - -- _,- 2.2Z..... Eli S. Willey 1 40;: S 1... L 1116490 -- - 61 R.J.Kratcha ..L /fi9 .5 3 ~ L 1/ $4500 1,'2 V9.-3 -st;p .A,~ fl., ~~ 7'::~ ~ ..../(~- 7>tdJa:# I-- - 9~-.fI-{JOI07 -0 I%,;- '/-'/533; ~ .II.. Vfl. !,~ '<".h' -;-;1'_ / / '!c '? z- lP7" 3 - I-- - - - 4-A...!I ~:r l' ! t V - - - - - I-- - - - , - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS v,,, Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmprovements B.of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE f3 /'7-9 j, ).-'j 30 '1"50 tj f' () .55.. ,79 ,79 ;(0 7:;-0 770 - fl ,79 , 79 ..5-0 7~() Roo &0 ,7'1 ,79 /"/'o 7::;-0 %90 /01 ,77 ,79 /4-0 7'Pt b /066 , ~ 1,/0 I~t:.o /::200 "fA /5/0 /s3tJ; /t7o ~ ~ /r/~ /9/s ,;);1)7'0 hi /.,;:; /7'/0 -,/. ~ I': '6% 1~5"'CJ 3jPd)cy _ A .'" ta' /tJ . 2.i ~ --tj=- -4i- 7L I/""tl~ ~.M~ ,,?h~ JaiL/a 71 . -6 ~ --&- 7.: 7 /19 /79 ~5d~ ?64& IOI4t? 15' I- ~ =e- -,@- i LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~tiY3, U:f,(J()w6i - J...I ,,,!'! 3 20 3 Tract 3 of Govt Lot 1 L . . , ? - / - - Formerly: Tract 15 of Govt Lots 1-2 ex. Trs. 15A-R Beg at a point S 25050' W 1851'.8' from NE corner of sec 3'; th S 48020' E 61' th S 40056' E 122.3'; th S 48025' W 28'; th S 72004' W 107.6'; th N 32030' W 169' and N 800 W 91.4'; th along boundaries of tract conveyed to C.M.Tindall recorded in Vol 162 of Deeds, page 23, N 250 W 100' and NEly 100', more or less, to Wly line of county road known as Mason Lake Road; th SEly along Wly line of road to I.P. '- "' . ~~ I; . (c6.) ?Ot..... e;.. #fIY:>3.f'/ ,'t~,-r{( I'l'~ k,.. ;hoP-, /" (J8S-, -DC'. 7 c' ~ . v.:1 NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS I I ---. U1J -- r I- I Improvtmlllls I Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAl. Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improved B.ofE. {Buildin9S1 VALUE J?3.. ' '7tt ,79 --6>- --e- Q -- ~ I';~"n '-/ </1 DO <; 9SSll Iii ,7'1 79 -e -e- e ~S - 1/'-/(.50 '7''1'100 5'7'SSb ~ -e:> -0 '--8>- --- - ---~-- --.- I -~- .--- --.--- -- 1__- - -- -.-- -- - --- - _==1 ---- 1------ I~-- - ----- - ---- 1------ - - --- I r ----I-- I I I i I , ~ I ----'.--------------- ---- I I 1 I I I I I I I n___ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ -: __ __ _ ______ _ __ u__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___" _ _ _..._ _ __ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oyat,r TImber UnlmprDud Improved TOTAL Oytter Tlmb.r I U,'mprn"d Improved !Improvements B. cf E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 2k ,N ,79 c?6-OO /Lj//O /6610 ..& ..e- O ~ a .:1St) /) It/UO / ?,/./,?; 77 -t7- ---el- S .IlL ,7( , 7"1 7'70(') ,;l7.t; '7() ~ 76 '70 .7K -G-- -4- --If 11- 75&0 ~9~':;-O 3 7 <:?So 1'1 -&- -fj- -(;. ~D 7.5()CJ ~9.<:~(\ 37()..$"6 gQ. --()- -H . -f"... r,/ 1500 -:2'lt;"';1 ? I~.5a ,) .$..L f1"i , 79 -8 n -H 5L ,c;1J('J )-'/n t'J 3.IO~ i'L I -fj- 4- 0 38 I'Ib5tJ '/'I9tJo, 59.5"5"tJ I LOT BlK. &EG. MH. RGE.