HomeMy WebLinkAbout320031300090 V..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9' / Rd. Soh. Porl PUO FPO SALE PRICE 2- 13844/ A. F. Austin .2.L 15574' Walter T. l-iillo et ux _~JYYYI?l.5- ~ A J . d/J, .-/. P do.. _ ~ ../ 1,<;" ~ /J / /?~. -.,./} In 7 0.Q/. <"6 ~ C.if 3Jf,lo(, v \ ~ '1P, N", " ' r)?~.~-g~7 ,t:tkHi,"/ P . L h ar /12<i.?..y iI 1/ ~ol?Jft{flIRJ:"f 01/, U 0-/ A-/",j(1.h j, I( ) 71 97/'111 19 J.../..Jl:! . '^ '. A oj, 7Jf:... I C-F On ~ 1_ ' 12-0.,'1(., UJI'A>-\M"'l-1o.J1~ _ ~1-37/f-09. .-' ._'_ -' _ ..f3.JL-A ;G, ~/ 330%/ (!,/JI;-'J- K~.A'Oh') d'Y"fi;--,:1\ )( J 1 JJili S .2..__ L SF (~I.s ~ 5.. Lj{ ---f-- - ---f---- IP' i -86U . ~ _ ~'-3Y /.::5;(:)00, TT "'7/.1" -L 7"7 -["""" - JJ-66577 J . ) ~(/6aJo z:; , 73S7", <-(f~{? ~.~ ....1. - ~.. -. '"',-+ ~ r_ -""""" NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y... Oyst,r Timber Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro1/emenh B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE s.q .;? 3. J.{) ;< 310 ';;00 </10 0/0 Ss .;23,;1.0 J3,20 ';<00 370 570 j-0 .;? d, tv::: ,5'S- ,;:<3.;1.0 /6-0 So .3 70 570 M .lZ 170 c,,'J.O ;;r~,,;) (J /60' .1/;15' ~7o f?ffr ,,/ / 7. trV I..~ .;23..;Lc /t.O d;). K' R:30 /{,/-/S- Ua. /htJ " /....,,,..- rtJlJ (/!is '^, ~ 7.<1 ;:;; 11@ .---- //~ / J?t; () iI!- /~?5 ?t1tJ' ~.;?S 3EtJO '1Q. ~ ~Z ~s..4;6 l-rf tJ () ~U57J ~t,/fo ~ f(lf.~'/.G' qb5" 2~/O -. 0 df'?t1d 'J3 l1'tJ - .2.=?/O b:1.;7S'~ ?.5''PLi' 7tf i'-tJ'(JJ~ ....- -'7~~ .l-P/~ 1{5tJ l> /t.?90 :l.6. /'-:<53D y'..:nJb 17t:J3(J .12.. /7.00 (,;;0 ";;:::;;'0 '7111/. ^ 897() '3'11. '?o PI ~q /7-00 3,'11- :(0-4'1 /Cf lb S /9705 LOT ValKo SEC. TWN. RGE. "3 ?O "3 ~~D3/.<,()6cq6( Tract 9 of Govt T,ot ? /' ., .~. / "Former+y: Tracts 13 & 20 of Govt Lot 2 / Beg at point S 25050' W 1857.8' from corher to secs 2 & 3; th S 70037' W 628.88', S 51005' W 206.04' and N 250 W 30' to I.P.; th N 250 W 694.5', more or less, to N line of L~t 2; th W on N line 729', moreor less, to NW corner of Lot 2; th S on W 11ne 900', more or less, to land of E.L.Kellog' th Eon N line of Kellogg land 992.5', more or less, to meander line; , th N 570 E on meander line 130.~~:) th N 680 E.50;0~'i th N 250 w 331.75" th N 51005' E 51.51' to I.P. EJ(~ ~ rb' ~ .k.v de. 'il '?f ~2. ' co'in.m. at a pt..S/25~50' W 1857.8' from th~"corner to secs/,2-&'.3-20-3, the;n'teh 70037'/ W 628.88'; thence S51005' W 206.04'; thence N250 W 30' :to the pob; thence N 250 W 694.5', more 6r less~, to the N I ine of lot 2; thence W,a'long the N line,' 729'; more or ~ .~, ''0 ~, i less, to the'NW corner of said lot 2; thence S along the W I ine of said' lot 2; 900', . .' '.', - I more or less, to the NW corner of tr. conveyed to E.L, Kei logg; thence E along the N, \ r ~ '0".' , I in~ of sa!d Kellogg T~. 992.5', more or less, to the meander line; ihence foll"win~ said meander line N 570\E 130.68' and N 680 E. 50.07'; thence N 250'W 331,75'; thence N 5100'5' E 51.51', more or"less, to the pob. EX. Hwy & T.L. \ ; , . :::i... ., - -.~~---~~- -~ --~~ -~~~ "e: _::. l,v c " 7~~ S. ~.4. ~ ~ . LlLJ -L- VALUATIONS I I . NUMBER OF ACRES I I 6.Rt) Y..u I Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL LL Oyster Timbar Unimproved Impro....d lmprovlrnlnts i B. of E. (Svildin9t) VALUE t~ -- /7.0 c> 3.'1<1 O{~. 'N- .3t;07~ g Co tY, '/II {, 7S;- i!L 3t.Oli_ -e- 3c'o7S- -- - f-- - ---- ----- - ---- --- - I ~-_... ----- ---- '---- - 1__- .-- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- --- - .==1 -_.- 1------ --- 1--- - ---- -- - h_ I - I I ! ,