HomeMy WebLinkAbout320031100040 / v.ar-' -AI. ~() '~r--w_w'-"------N~ O'^:~--- I 14'0 /AlE .. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS PRICE Rd.""TSch, i!ort PUO.:rfPD I J I , 3crf5"tj i , 52 10.2527 ~yshore Inc, I 40' S 3 ; 5 !L H: ; LI , , I , -- 1----- 1---. -- rJ - ~-~.-._- 1---- ------- --..--. --.-- ----- 'H ..._w____ -..- -. I --' ---- 1-_______' -- - .+----- .-- - - TImber I Unimproved I Improved I TOTAL I I I I VALUATIONS '_Fe G1(J ~ Year I Oyster e NUMBER OF ACRES Oyder TImber / UnimproYed I lmpr~v.d Improvemenh 1 (BlIildinQ$) B. of E. VALUE t If---.--f----- s: I/~ ~3 85" SGG -7',50 ~ t,Lf{ 3335 e>8~S- S~cP() -95"00 ~'so SL/,f',? "'Isad ---- --1------ --~.... ---- --- ------ -I-. -f-- -- -,-,---_.- -. .~- -- .. I 1._- :__.==l r-' ----f-----f-----, ---. -- , ----- I LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. OGE. 1~()OlDf"ZR] :lc13: / 3 20 3 Tract 4 of NE NE A tract of land in the NE NE & Govt; Lt I of 3-20-3W.W.M" daf: Commencing at the NE corner of section 3-20-3W.W.M,; th N 890 48' 30" W 308.67' to the NW corner of tr of land conveyed to Frank E, Minor & wife by contract dated 3-13-63; th S 000 44' 35" E 960,11'; th S 700 01' 09" W 373.18' +- to the cneter of an unnamed creek and TPOB; th NWly alg cll of sd creek to the W line of NE NE; th S 000 35' 30" E alg sd W I ine to the Nly r/w I ine of Mason Lake Co. Rd; th SEly alg sd Nly r/w I ine tap that bears S 640 38' 45" W from TPOB; th N 640 38' 45" E to POB; EXCEPT Publ ic roads, ff any. ,.~ --= .-- 6'xc.ctr, 78 h'- 77'hi!6".<J ?"o.e.. Co. .JZ/tJ AP# 7'7'/Z~S'---