HomeMy WebLinkAbout320027590171 y.:r File No_ .-r-----.~.----.--NAMe of O"":;;--_w- I" CONTRACT TO Rd.--r5ctl. : P'lrt I ;~~~_~~~5 I ~ 'f I SALE PRICE. --,- I I! :: #48234-5 5/76 )J.~996-" ;]~oh.rlE. Meek et a I _____LI4.a2..s_..3__'_5_J-L_!.J::L. ,A /012? 35'IY<l7 ~~AS- ::i I: lib I I btl .'0 !L79 355642~, .1Pu-,/o'j ,1-...;., Ier.rv C Cbj~I~, ux 'Dl_\L.L_I__ ""'750 ,,6JL -]oT90- P.iZ' ,- 3'Oc5D ,.~ 'lI59967n/~~ 9/80 .JllJg~___.____ . . ----M-LcZP-Lri.v.esc men :s..._ --------,--fii~~2qj~ ____.., n'.__.= ~_~~~~n ___ _ ~f-- -- ----.-----....------------ I --- .----- ~ ~~ I , -. ---L- Year I Oyster NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . Timber I Unimproved I Improved Oyder Timber Unimproved ImprQved Impro".ments (Buildings} B. of E. VALUE 2!l__ . Jl'=\ J./d 11.:?7tJ /7/tJlJ //..3.70 I /'l/IJIJ t --.--, -- ---- I I. n' -----.- --- LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. KGo. I I ~6?.'I.<:;q~1 7./J ------ --I ~_L~ I -"-----------1-----"----, 2 20 3 .. Tract 17-A of Survey 3/49-50 x I' / . " (Tract A of S.P,#831 A.F.#375739l A tr of land in G.L.6,2~20-3 W,W,M. particularly daf: COMMENCING at the SW corner of sd G.L.6; th S 85023'58" E 638.66' along the S i ine thereof; th N 2008'51" E 678.08'; th N 85005'04" W 62.18' to the POB of the tr of 1 and hereby descr; th N 2027'45" E 443.94' to the ba I anced Govt Meander Li ne; th N 55017'35" E 20.50'; th N 70004'01" E 226.58'; th N 74000'18" E 166.75'; th S 1022' 18" E 615,04' th N 85005'04" W 425.51' to the POB; TOGETHER with all that ptn if any lying between the balanced Govt Meander Line & the line of mean high tide abutting thereto, excepting that ptn thereof lying Easterly of the fol lowing desc I ine; COMMENCING at the SW corner of sd Govt Lot 6; th S 85023'58" E 638,66' along the S I ine thereof; th N 02008'51" E 678.08'; th N 85005'04" W 62.18'; th S 85005'04" E 128.87' to the POB of this descr line; th N 01022'18" W to the Meander I ine of sd G,L,6 & the terminus of sd line. . --= -~_.-.~ . - k-f a.!: tt::/&"" iC;, .- i ,. v. " / '1 H" " .d. .- N''''''-'~ '" II/f,- ".~.c. z,- r..... ~ )"",,-.( -<I'-~ "c. CUt&<., ,u ~"'7 d a-f " J'-!" !'. - I)J"-I,~d )JLu./t. 7//a-t,,.,.....~, . LJ..L."...t.u Jf"'"......;,..-.......... I . A foe. 'I,~ ,1/ I 'i,C U - O'-~ ^ CI"~p.., U-?.......