HomeMy WebLinkAbout320023360020 Year I -Ale.NO. -r----...-.----..---NAME of OWNER---~-I-'.- CONTRACT TO ( I, _ ,IRe _.4DD.15..'L _~tate of Wash i nnton '1('-')( 'l',H -Y11'!1-'c _____ - -- .------ OISTRlCTS ;q'1 .~. ~:21!~" PU~i-iP: i L ! H -e---~l-i- i - SALE PRICE #77392 Ql250 .j;.~2;~';,{j D, ---. ----1-- ____ _____.m " - - * . - NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I L Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr~ved Improvemenh I B. of E. (Buildings' VALUE %; --.- --.- 2.3/ 2..3/ ~ZI.2~" 2/2.6-0 1/ ~_. ,,/ ~ ;., ~~ z,'l~ (]>t;./~ ,,1n Ce -1 ";O~ '1 ; it r ,) ~ ./ ,,- ,,,~ u . .- ---- - -- "-- --,- , I -- ------ -.---- --- e-- 1____- -- - '----- --- - - .==1 --- 1---- --- 1--' --- I--- --- I P._-- I i ! LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGo. J3b1.o. a;z.s .~(ci () q~q _2_20 ~ Tt::act_Lo.L~v.LLot_.6 5'207: I ( That ptn of Govt Lt 6 2-20-3W,W,M., daf: Beginning at the, SW corner of sd Section 2; th N 30 28' 25" E 570.85' alg the W I ine of sd Section 2 to the NW corner of Tr 8 of unnamed plat fi led under AF#332970; sd point also being the SW corner of certain tr of land conveyed to Alfred & Mi Idred Greenwalt by instrument recorded 3-19-55 under AF#157571; th N 880 10' 32" E 217,18' alg the N I ine of sd Tr 8 and the S I ine of sd Greenwalt tr to the TPOB; th continuing alg sd last descrilied line N 880 10' 32" E a distance of 250' to the SE corner of sd Greenwalt tr; th N 10 49' 28" Walg the E margin of sd Greenwalt tr 455' +- to I ine of mean high tide of Oakland Bay; th SWly alg sd I ine of mean high tide tap which bears N 10 49' 28" W 350' +- from TPOB; th S 10 49' 28" E 350' to TPOB. o. , . f Ct.CL ~JO- (P'SLj )