HomeMy WebLinkAbout320022200050 Year FII' No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 191 SALE PRICE Rd. Seh. Port PUD FPD - - - - ..E 94168 Orville'J. Moran ~ I 402 S L L _s:l ~ - ....tL ~r.76 (]"~.:.Q,--(~ ~6.JliWI. ..! t<-< ...L 1& .2. ..;L ,S' L II ~ ;,' (J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._---~?--~~~~-------------------~--~---------------------------------------------~--~_:~>--- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 53 ---:;?;:30 ~ZJ ?ftr ,5-CT 1 L,/.cJ S3 ,<.10 ;;<110 /,30 ..S-o /Pc ? /Ro /- 00 -2.10 /2S" 50 SO ~_ 'J.;:o;- , r. 3..:I.f /,00 //,,},%' /7:;J so ....5""0 .') 7;;- . Go 1/;;).1 .1-/,2. t :3;2.. 0 ~() ~7() _fe1 J/. ,:U ~~.f 3~ I;;z.o 44ft) J{z h: ~$ 4'/JtJ 150 5%Q h'?ta -L'..-5"'a '7~ {) 'tJ & '1>f5 JP/tJ ;3tj(1i pJLI t!J / ~tJtPCJ ~..Jc/) _3h:J 1i /6,&:;" 356& tud ,{J -#6<1 J5 1j,c9cP 4~ :3Sto I -,(Ol- ~b{) - ~ ;;;.~I - ; /. , . .7i. -<(,,;2.f( I{ ;2 F? 7;2.7~ U 1':<'1/0 I /~y/o .a: a... 1!l ~ ~ LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~~'~6~ ? ?() 1 Tr~rt. 'i rf' GClvt. T ')t. 1 ,-II" /'.'/'/' ~ y ~'For:Tracts 2-A , .. _. & 2-B of Tr. 2 of Lot 2 Tract 2-A Bgn at a pnt on the see line 5.16 chns 5 of the corner see 2 and 3 Tw;:: 20N R3 if,,!'l for IP 0 Thn from said IP run (va 22 30'E) chns to a pnt on the b~ach - Thn S 480 50' W 1.97 chns Thn N 470 W 12.18 chns more or less to a pnt on the sec line oetween said see 2 and 3 Thn N on said Sec line taining 2.8 acres more located being in lot 1 S 460 E 8.71 chns and S 51030' E 6.43 2.60 chns more or or less ex. the R sec 2-20-3 less to the pnt of bgn con- of \'f of Co Ro as now Tract 2-B Beginnin~ at a point pn the see line, 7.76 chains S of the corner common to sees. 2 & 3: thence from said I.P., run (va. 22030' E) S 470 E 11.50 chains more or less to the N R/W of the Co. Rd. as now located' thence SW along said R/W 1.36 chains; thence N 470 W 10.20 chains more'or less to the see line; thence N on see line 1.70 chains more or less to the LP. ---:. - ..~'---------~-- --~ ~r. 2-A - 2.80 acres Land Bldg 1953 $130 50 40 1956 175 50 1957 Tr. 2-B - 1.48 acres $ 50