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Year File No" NAME of OWNER CDHmACT TO DISTRICTS J 9' / Rd. $ch. Port PUO FPD SALE PRICE :C;velYIl Le ~ Doris Raymond Marks 5~I/ If5t7it-~ &.1'uk ,f ll2..u.P~ .id--- =-=-r -1J; cJS07t"Z- I //. ~ /J? . 1'10 ;1,5"5'1/1 ~ffItj,;~ aJJd. R cI"/~:'/. 11:" ,/;5, II .' ,/ 5hf It?138'5 1lJ7~ta. eL~ ' ~~gt;iJS ~ ../ 4. ~, 3/'lb- :<111// pJ:2 'JJ7, :fJ.dr-.Jr..u ~j~ (,fi!f)D 140 S 3 L L W.J .s ;3 5" lltL --I- 1'730"'- -'l-.? tl.. )"'.:, ~..r.<. ~ #. :"''''_ ..2Vly'- ~~"'7.? ..J IJ-Jf'6-'/7' """-- Y X':"O";)/.;? 7,#' 1----- --i-- -I- -_...::: .'-~_.: ~'':'~_... - ..:... -...- ...-- _..-~ -- - ~- .:'---"...._~ --- -:~ -"-- - - -.:...:.- - -- ---.. --- - --- ~--- - .::::.:'::..::::. ~ - - ......:"::"~-~ . ~..... ," ~ .. . '" ,.. .. 4<. _ , .. '"-.......... .. .....,...-. ....'" ~ , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oy.wr Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oy.ler Timber Unimproved Imprond Improvemflnu B.of E. (Bulldlnal) VALUE 51 ,.;.;- ,/b' IV eo '/{} .-;< fCJ if /'J l,;z () ~ , /I~ I '/-. ~ .-4- 3r)' //,-') /4/.() -5+- ' ?-(s- , ~--5- ~o //0 /60 Gf . tf6- .tj.c; Ro ~/6 .;;<96 "'- ........ $l?C::; 3:?'~ /~" 14- ;?S'o all? rj .5:;J.a; ~ '~ W ..5?Jt) S';3tJ /tJ..B'c?, '11/ I~% ItJ ~d /tJUJ I '1A,LtJ 7(0 ,;;SO() /00 () 3S'00 JX ' I-{,t; ,J./-t; -::; onl1 _ "i.I) ?' () /(J'i'5() .5'3 9St'JO &'(,00 /c"IOQ LOT BlK. lEe. TWH. RGE. , ~~Dt /~~fJ...OOO.~J . Tract, . 2' of NW SW P9'4,"> 1 20 3 ~. Formerly Tract 1 of NW SW s 150' of W 136' of NW SW . ' ,Lli'"