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Yoar File No. NAME of OWNER CO NTRACT TO I Rd. I Sch. I Port DISTRICTS /9'/ SALE PRICE puo t..E!Q.... ---! , ;Y .!J.ICf5'i5 M. E. Hinderman B.R.Gilbert ~40 S 3 L H G.6~ &a) I.v-b ~7<flf/ / CJX) . .L ',/;;) s ~ 71 .("e. H.E.Shriner .3 0- L II I~(p '3?OI.Pt/ ,);jP~ ,#.1 p JL '.bh _-// / , , WD / J~ turn) 1 .. - --- .. ---.. .. ---- - ~ -- ~ ---------~ "e I NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemonh 1 B. of E. (Building$) VALUE 7~ 4J- ,4Jt:! 4f$f) ?~ 9001 7~ .. /,#'dO ~t1Jd)2J) 7'1 I Ja1t1% O?.:7ffO ~otfJa 74, """h..A ~ / .Li~11 ~Jj 8<?J 7~ .I ;j, d1/ll l.I) .dJ/J 6-SCiO .:< Nr)o -;J"to9oeJ 7g 71. 00 1-1. ~ 7. <; 0 .51 :gl) 93 /L/3/J() S S ooc roc; 3~O J?2, .tJ. f?JOO -e- ';>/00 YI'f /</500 5 t; ()(, () Cl20\l H <t.O() <1-.00 0-",) ~. ,. , (Jj;;, f?IOO -€I- f/oo )IS- o<> ^_, - 3m) sou N~cJO S~D!:Ji) 61do() ~~ Ic:- E' S~ C'..:,\~ ~. . <r''''rfl r /' J \.~ ~JOD {{ I 00 ,,-t""" \ -....J ~ \ , \ 'I \ . LOT BlK. SEC, TWN. "- \ 20 3 (3J2():[l~wo 0-$0] Tract -4 of SW NYI / .9.,.-:,- J i' Pg t'J RGE. " N 165' of S 990l of SW NW lying Wly of County Road. -. ./~' ?!,1(,' ref 4 ,?-L q5"q~/ (,uti ~ \ . ---- - (0 --- .l1J..6.v.i- -