HomeMy WebLinkAbout320012300010 Year File No. NAME of DWIlEII CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ BALE PRICE Rd. ..... Po.. PUD FPD 1.l""263 ip. W . Thornile. '1 ./'-..... 64 H. E. Hinderman 1 +02 S L $4000 . , !:M~nf ~ J -1'/r;' --r/. :a UM/ '-/2J.. S ...s: ~ fI. ",',;.- L ~ -= / 105?5Y5 .f/ I ~~(!a <7 f.. 117 <D~ ~ - - I'75CJdp" 6! /]4 //O'o~ 7/ )// , TL .~ #-../ A.~ -># / / i/,y l' ~ ~. 4,<71 o ) ~ 1/). 2. )1. ",...-RJf/, J... lip ;/ ~h'" '//Ii':3f- 79 ;;;<507 j;.,...I./ p JJ '......)1- Jet:..! ~-/! ." il.;.. .?-./,J..- ~ ~'" .A;' ,,'{ /76/.3 o[J, !iPt. .:2'1111.0 ~ Ul--1, ' ,p i/. ~ J./ .J Sl 1<:(. -:_-61056.:7, ~ // /r I ", c: "T // 3~$t# -#5d'.J'5"Z- WJ?/f~ . ,,'-=td.l;,D 'lI /(tMJ?A11NJdf 5('01J '<'-4WiU{ :i'4t' , - -- , i-- - - - - - - .~~~- - . ., 0&... '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.., llJ.' Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL llJ"" Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.otE. (Bulldlnp) VALUE ,1;11 1lJI-9J .2JtJJ3 3.~'" /5 5.s- "7@ ~(p . . -- /15 .6'S ~.;?~~ ~~ ~ . &6- ~ ~ ~a 6~ rff//.::J ,;zR,{;tJ fd... ::i';;r~ _~3~ dj/.~ ~ ,- . . ,~P7n M 6 ~;0 erSt) ~.t) U .../- ~ lah~~ \ Jt !;t1~% .n J/ / (j(fJ1 L~t)) 'AI ~.-3~ ;(.:3:).., 32,;70 /.5<<;?~ /fi..;J0. 78 ,7. 32 :l .3 ;2 /" .";;0 (J .;{:;1.0I{-D ;;U?tj</6 .12.. /3.ot'JO 3<0C!C I J/.3bt6 \ \ \ ( ~ - , . 1\ LOT SLlC. -. TWIl. '\ }11~c:>.D: I a:3J\O~d uQl S 660' SW NW W of RfW Ex,'S, 51{)" R8E. " .1 20 Y' ~"'I F' ..- ~ ,- ~. ......, 'h A tr of land in the SW NW 1-20-3W.W.M., ~af: L/ Beginning at a point on the Wly r/w 1 ine of the Agate Co. Rd which is the SE corner of a tr of land conveyed to Frederick H. Kammerzel I et ux by deed recorded 8-5-74, AF# 291760 and the NE corner of a tr conveyed to David G. Skagen et ux by deed recorded 7-31-78 under AF# 348175; th SWly alg sd Wly rlw I ine of Co. Rd 50' +- to an existing fence line; th NWly alg sd fence I ine to Point of Intersection with the S I ine of sd Kammerzell tr, which is S 860 44' 35" W 430' + - from POB; th alg sd S I ine of Kammerzell tr N 860 44' 35" E 430' + - to POB; excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. .:..~- ---' _.~ .-- .- _..'-- V.., FU, He. NAIIE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / 9'/ Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE ~;a~~O 64 206SS7 Thomas W. Ttlrnilev et ux 1zJ... :)&'10 # tf? di7r 1fJ.. O/~AJ 7 73 6/~~3 1/ J,"-"'L!..Ii.'hu ti>}W- 51 'f ~.<-<.. e.J{t,uldJ.-' ,pj-d L !./JLJ~tI15 /!k,,;..J 11-~/~ .J .Renlinl<er 1 40 S ':\ L I 'V.:J. S.a. 5" t II ~ L-- a6 .J(7~.A ";>,;'-5' .P .5"J'J'5i3' #illfl, - -- \ ~ ------- ------1 '- . , . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V.er Grit., Timber UnImproved Improftd TOTAL Oyater Timber Unimproved Impltlved Improvement, B.ofE. (Bulldlhp) VALUE fd. ~,fiJ9 I/J7 3.0(; a<() 50 ~@ - . . ~ ..,/T'7 ~< ds -E- -- -", , - ilL .3, /)b 3. tJ t., -=#- .=1J',@ .3J1 r; $L ~ 2J)J0 ~61 ?;7d .12. 9/s o/'/~ 'Jr/ /h~% ;gR2J) ~ - 2Ie. ~()(OtJ 30(d) 72... 3.0/, 3.oc.. ,5000 l", () Or1 7t 0 ::::J ,0 ~.~~ '20/1~ . 7/e 5' , >tV ;11; V Wo ::- /Z/..J IHe~ /lVro . ~ --- I - " -...- "'II LOr Bue. 0 .. \ \ .1 "",- , i -. TWN. R8E. Illi~'" . "-, . -..J ~O ~ -N..1 .'0' 0.f' S '11 () I <;t.T H'" W of R/W ;?y V r :.-c;. _L! ."'I--~'..l-. ""-... ALSO: (By deed AF# 348645) .~ A tr of land in the SW NW 1-20-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at a point which i~ 510' N of the SW corner of the SW NW sd Section and is the SW corner of tr conveyed to Frederick H. Kammerzel I et ux by deed recorded 8-5-74, AF# 291760, and the NW corner of tr conveyed to Oavid G. Skagen et ux by deed recorded 7-31-78, AF#348175; th N 000 10' 41" W alg sd W line of sd SW NW 50' + - to an existing fence line; th SEly alg sd fence I ine to the intersection with the 5 I ine of sd Kammerzel I tr, which point Is N 860 44' 35" E 430' + - from POB; th S 860 44' 35" W alg sd S I ine of Kammerzel I tr, 430' + - to POB; excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. _..~ ,7J'-S57 -' .&l. .:ef----4..._______ ~~,T ~~ ., d/~~ " ~