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----- Yeu File No. NAME'fDWNE'C,.f.?/;)6679 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ I SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUO I FPO - - - - - - 52 134805 Otto Landgraf et ux 1 402 S ..L -- L - ~ 16285C Gordon A. Brown et ux btUO 1. Zf2. .5.. 3... !;;- l- lL - - - - - - - - - - \, - - - - - - '-- . - - f--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~:~- -' .- .'- ". .... - - ....'.... ..~. "....o('.e., . ~..""'" ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - V,.r Oyster TImber Unlmprovad Improvod TOTAL Oysler Tlmbor Unimproved Improved I mprovemenh B.o(E. (Buildings) VALUE ~-:J //0 -00-0 510 /0 /':<0 /30 'J-<j -;{,9 () /~>O ~S .- /0,/0 /20 35'0 5.:< :; - -:-.; /0./0 -000 /'j( /0 ..55 I;} 0 -1.::;0 00S -" 57 /(},/o y(Oo /</./0 /.2 0 /;10 -'130 <:;70 Jd %.00 ({,,/o /</'/0 C;S- /j7~ /3/0 /5"9 D ~ 15' I!.;r dS/0 /650 4 J2~ / .&7tJ d?3tJ /~/t/) ~~h(/ Jfl &Je; ~/5 /:11/ /:} ~.;t5 '7rJ I.:::: ~:z 1..1)i!JtJ, 1:!'.8 ~. !!$~~tJ t,(,/.$"O 2:l e"IO (,lM U!Y{}) _~.5 ~.,..~ ~C) 7P9'S- ' 'JP; . /~'% I'.C~ ~dO. ~f6 lf4J'1o 7(P /;;{91o g'J?dO .:;,,/Z/o .1L I IJ.~ -+:. ,) (1..-1'> /!2'1QIf 770;; .::II' '.'5 '" 1.:'1. ,79 7,05 7,05 (ft. 10 J I I 17.517<1 ,/ ~ ~ .7'-1 tll.-'; 81 17SDo 59 &'()D S1 :SOO lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ~ 20 3 ~ , I _ r.lj266\~a:La ~ TraCt 1 of s?5 NW ' ? ..,>-/ ~ .' ROE. .-4r' -'...,.... , . Beg at NE corner of SW NW; th S along E line of said forty acre tract, 450'; th W 200', more or less, to an intersection with Ely RjW line of county road running NEly and SWly across said 40 acre tract; th NEly following along Ely RjW line of county road to its intersection with N line of said 40 acre tract; th E along N line thereof, 60', more or less, to 1. P. Also the N 450' of SE NW 'J=I=--j 00 ~ - - f- 2. (:) - s L- LO-~ ,..iN;". ~-- ~---...--------=-- ~._----= -- -- --- .~. --.-~- ----- ~ ~~ ~ ".~R O~ A::~~ I U , I I , ----- ~ .. . VALUATIONS t.,f<; Year I . I I r L Impro...emenh B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Impr'Jved (Building,) VALUE .€3 7,0:;- '7, () !; /i./,/O '?</ R 7/J SSt//J1l 9(J d. 7l> -- . -- - - ---- --. _. I - --_no --- -- 1__- . _==l -- ,-- ---,- -- ----- -- - f------ - .--- i-------I-- ----- r--- - ---- - - -1-1 ---_._- -_.- I ! i I I Year Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'1/ SALE PRICE Rd, Seh, Port PUO FPO ~. .-a "1/'7 - - - - 'i2 19 'Jl:0! otto Land~raf et UX 1 402 S I>; L- S1 P 4 .1 ~- / .~ S 3 12 1- ;I ---5l 11,,772 'i T. 0 f.;"lT1 M ,T111 i ~ Y] et l1X M , /rl6 # .:v' A , 'J, ' - - - - ~ , , '( - - - - - - . , M b:- 'It;;Ot 7 .X J-hL~ ~t{'53 :/'. .. FOREST - - - - ~ ';''2'>0 C.J;~~t!o, - - !!% })!3S4f - - #'-!-7'13J' ~ 3;;J,IJ 0 >f 1L:d rt: II) d4.d1 4- a.L ~ 7l::'i-'1#s - - - - - 5tJM' 1 .. . . ~ ^~, ~::J ., ~ ~ r;I - - - - - :3<>,/.,;;-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,_u~. .- -------~---~---------- , . ----------------------------------. ~~,--- "t '. ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,."1 Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvomenu B.efE. (BuildIngs) VAl~E B ;:u, -4 4-e' I <2..4 ~ J-5:er ~ 53 1(" 3t:- /$0 ..3 :;-0 5'30 61 ,;( 7.0 VJ .;:< 7-(1 VI /35' ~ /3S- 5;2- ci!7.,j() .2 7, 00 ..;Pao ;:Zoo id If. S-o 7. S-o .:? 7. Of) ~3.s- / ,f' E) ~;;Lo it --' I"; ~ ..:19'5' ~ .5:;?S 127110 .1f)/J /1/% +- /b'7'eJ /h' 9cJ' ~ , brg - 3.3,ftJ E,g'gG? ~ , ~.6t15 6.5'8"0 6n..~ - J'3. :8,1() M.2./{ tf,3% 2i f'dO % - /~/.60 15 "~i L~.W,4t? . .. ____ Re_ 84.33 ,;r?'tJtJ /6"7tJ /890 7~ dC,7S- .;:Jv7~- 1L ,;< 'i4o ;< 5'-1- 0 7f ;2(" tf5 :.zt/15 lo:r---~ SEC. TWN. - RGE. CD;;::;I:;U _SF. NW, 'Ev. 8?S-r . . " , -- .20 , -. ~-- / . ~... "" '''-~rl.:;:e.;:.rt.. - . ~ -0.-_ . d~ ~~{ XrL & ~L 11J7dcf df.. J()--rL K d... L~t...1-t.--HL- )r/l.;}1...:J--<'" l / .". " ~-..# ~ .~_.. -I I I~ I I '- --L- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Ytl/lr I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Impro.,ed Improvemtnh O. of E. {BuildinQlil VALUE 71 CLASS. FOREST a.U;O en. () v :;'-/30 0l'i-30 -Be .~En.nO veo ~ S.;;J'Y? ~7 ';)7-C/d .:J 70 () ~.:;q::r{) .dd 7'~~ ~ 1:_ I _229;;-0 I^ 000 I ~ J,)~ ~ .d (',.~'H cd. '/;:z /,ffto /.5/) l? !() . ~~ , , ..)E"t:. 2/. '15 2/, CJ5 ISh5S' 40CJCJ 7/,360 99t'J/5 77 ~ .~ c,j ;-) - - , ---- - " , -- 1";;;'- f.SS -- 1---,--- -- -- ----- - --- . I