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NAME of OWNER If. 'H/' ,1__ "77f Y Elsie Anthony CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9'0 Rd, Soh. Porl PUD FPO SALE PRICS Yar FII, No. 7.. _ ? ~ 108649 -hL l402~3-_..l..L2~ .",... /$37'- L _.2_~ /-1 _ ,ryc>tJO;."- ..../.537y -------- ;. ""70'% , 6co,!?,... /-QL) ...or . ------_.~-;-----~-;--------~:~~~~:~=~--~~~----- ~.. - - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .J /d./5 _ Year Oyder Timber UnImproved Improv&d TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved lmprovod Improvemenb B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE $1 ~ ~ ~ ;<30 S3 /f..s:q '1 ,/05':9 'I /10 .L/~ - 51 1/0' 7''7 -5<5:77 :350 .950 51 45: '1'1 fi5 '1P 0( 7 S-- :<75 4- , ~ 3.J/.tJ }J>lI~ hi W-f9 ~f', =6- .::l if' /@ ~.& - *-- , ~ %') 5b3c. I~ .e~~ a30 Zl ~ JY$" 73 ~. ~ s:as- /!3.5?J ~ , . - !!L t:EPJ&Oe. 1 4/4;.<t}9 #.~f /)':<t, '4 /~5' , ~ 'd.7000 .. ~ ?U;~; J..f If!-/-. 77 '-1;.(., 19' .3f!;1.'-/-O 3.R;?'4n M , 51 (,,/(; ~9~/O l LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. AGE. 1 20 3 NE NE "", 1 fj nT'P ; n ~W ('()r~P:r 3";-;1.:;-