HomeMy WebLinkAbout319324490120 Y.ar r-FII. No, -.1---.-- NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1.;25 SA.LE PRICE Rd, Sch.I!?rt PUD I fPD I I - 1217' 3P97~ f-_Pau1 Sando et ux 3 309 3 14 L H #46203_ , .mJ f___}4572j 1--- Barnett/Turli ~ c SgZUgA 11/7 ~,3~3709 ~ ~/ 'l'1f ~(II1f Norman R. NeV on ~- l;,:ii $14000 . fI - ,5'/ I ~!tJ9 3 1/ L ~L!2.L _.2.~L'21Q 1-- Franc i 5 P. E1~ ere 'to, ' It_ x( E mi I E ) H~a86 WOP' !/31 71jjj e" [;;7iJA ~ {(J f0V c,t> II I N " .o<!.- , /( .J , Y." I 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimprovod Improved Improvements B. of E. - (Buildings) VALUE 79 ~.i)... ~,g~ 3tf:/.O 3st:<.CJ 17 t,,? .7-0 /",?~o ~I t.~~ t.R;;/. /7(),52) /705'cJ II 5c& U.4- /, 2. ;,L /lzt.o ~.u.CJ M L,/7.50 'I7S'eJ . - - - - . ---- . - i ~.. -.- --- ...:. - 32 19 3 ~lJ,K'.C~2tfge:'*a.--it;r::.:r-K'I , .l'."'~ - . Tract 12 of sf SE ,d It"lt.,,< LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. (Tr 15 of unrecorded surv) TIlat"por of the SE of See 32-19-3W, W. M. particularly desc as follows: Conm a?the~t cor of ad See 3~~' th N 87054'02" E, a1g the S line of sd See 3-2';"'" 1245.31' to tKe'pob".<>f the tr of land hareby desc; th cont N 87054'~~.72' to the c/1 of a 60'Wt~_easement for ingress and egress; th ~t:lfe ell of ad easciment, N 49008'31" W 174;4l.:.i th N 52052'31" W 77.~o-ilPt on a curve to the right whose radius pt bears N"'1z:,Q7'29" E 1~, th through a delta of 28012'21" for an arc dist of 49.23'; th~N.24!4Et 10" W 70.23' to a pt on a curve to the left whose radius pt bears S ~""-50"'W~0.00'; th through a delta of 45033'36" for an arc distof ~24'""th N 70013'46-W",~.16' to a pt on a curve to the left whose radiu~5ears S 19046'14" W 100.00'; th"'tb!~ugh a delta of 24044'03" for ~~diSt of 43.17'; th S 85002'11" W 101.21' tc)"'&,,?t,on a curve to the righ!..wMse radius pt bears N 04057'49" W 136.48'; th through a~de1.ta of 5704?:.w'""for an arc dist of 137.65'; th leaving the ell of ad easement, S rs~ {.8>>"W .455.43 '.' mOl'e'ol'-less, - to -the-pob.. Except-ing-thel'efran-rd- r/w , (Now Tr I of Short Plat #827) That ptn of the SE of 32-19-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of sd SE 1/4; th N 870 54' 02" E alg the S line of sd SE 1/4 1245.31' to TPOB; th N 870 54' 02" E 136.39'; th N 15003' .48" E 394.86' to the PC of a curve to the right the radius point of which bears N 40 57' 49" W 136.48'; th Wly alg the arc of sd curve 137.65'; th S 150 03' 48" W 455.43' to TPOB. -'. ....=-:._..:=..------ - ~ - ......- --.- ----- - ~.'- -=----=--=-- ~, . .