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Yeo' File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /</.5 SALE PRICE Rd. ~ Pon PUD feD 287251 5/74 288762 Paul Sando et ux 3 09 3 4 1 H ~ if~~~Z'-' f".. j_ Q (S "A'.D~ 1 J-f., -:J J J( ( llJ~ .3 I--f /.... If -</07/71p A7?"Po~ / II '---.. F"=-~-C_-= .~-;;:::_-'. _ _ _ ___. - .-- ----~--~. . .., --...... -~- ..,.,.._....... y", I 0"... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS t. .Fer. Timbor Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyrie, Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOYlmlnts B. of E. (8ulldlnqll VALUE tf.()()) 1(;80' 9cJ '/d?c;o /~9 C> /4 II.....':? ":)//~CJ -d &/6J(j)) 2f d.?/5"1J ~'i;;O ~J ,t;".,., 0 3.o,j g,{)O /oG""SZl / ~.5"".5"0 )ft} lOS-sO /,cJ s .s-cJ LOT SEC. BU(. lWN. RGE. ".32 19 3 - -I!IDZ1l ~:~ LtJ16f()1o\2!.Q1 Tract ? o~ NE S~ /_ .?,4' F '\ That portion of the NE SE lying N of State Highway #9 ~"- ---.- ~ ----.-..-... - --- -- - - ~- _. A.~~. ~._ .oJ---'.---