HomeMy WebLinkAbout319322100010 Yellr .Flle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1"ItS" SALE PRICE dAi Rd. Sch. ~ PUD FPD __I ;, RI~2h9 fi.H.Stoehr-et 3 +01 ) . S FP --52- ux l.. ii- :?7%Y77 /"l_ _('__<~ ;3 2f1 .d. !L L !L 'lfTtj(j'iJ i_-:r;; '" 77!-.. ---rr-;- - 80~0&~ " !II ...1.. M ~ .!:L -.b. J:L f/ f'58gg , , - T6t9f!JD ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - " - ~ - - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - - ~ ~ - -- - - - - ~ - - )..0 . - - - - - - - ~ -. __""'00:: - _____=...--=.0=..._____-...-...... ...-==....=... _....=_-_=-......... ...-""....-...__.......... _......_........ __...____.__-__ ______...... ""'-co-= ~,..wt . . ~...~. . . - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,1'3 ~3 ~9'- ,""7__ _ .", '7' /. I~ 18~~6 5"3 7'-1,)3 37 II 3.~ , A /I:J- () 7'fJ /- ()(}o 6/1 r. _ J ~". - .II. -p 1/20 f<JD 21lJ 6 :.o.r . -74 7L/,:<3 3'!'t()u 1/3.;;?,3 /I ,;; () 9fo 2/ocJ 6/ 7<1::<'3 2/J. tH) 97'.':<3 /1';;0 9c?o ..</. 00 fd t,5"; ~.?i ;).9.00, 91/:<3 &'50 5",f'"o' ,/::J!3a -" ~L;% ,:? p;' 'l',.;?5 /51/$ 14- . g;;.~tJ /"'/0> .52J71J & 16' LI '1:2 .... ? .- ~f~ '-........ -- 22. as. . ~';JI ~/..;;z8 't1..;/3 ~ ~ - I~ n f"'" .:f' 33 7'(;, 339(.. ~ :<3575" ;<3575 - 11 6,V. 1/:';5 'I b.( 5 L 71UJ, /- 33q~o 339$0 .iL , VSB 3 ::jCjt. 53.91. C.z,.{ if/3o 4/ :So . LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. AGE. ~d~m.Dl -x -- ~- c:?.o.,e7; 1 'l bein... Lot. :>. Pt T '1t" '1 Ji.. "l CURRENT USE -OPEN SPACE- ~ -!:::"AGRICULTURE ..;;> /. ...' C. e-- FOREST ,~.."i nt t;H' NV/) /<1 $"?>: )2 19 3 Tr. " " IV I '/ - -- bgn at a pnt 77.221 ~ of the center of Sec IV=, 220}0';::;) ;; 5u"451 -,i lu;";C..9/j.' Thn N 30" 30' w?43.821 Thn N 7"35,1 E 54.781 ThrrN 33"}Ol E 565.621 Thn N 57")01 W 141.241 Thn N 26" E35.641 ) Thn S.68"IE 154.441 Thn N 47'J.E 447.481 Ihn N 46-45' E 488.401 hn E 175.56' to the.MC to Secs 29 and 32 same Twp and R Thn following ~the ML to the N'E corner of Lot a of said Sec 32 Thn Kollowingthe E and S boundaries of said lot 3 to the IP excepting t'herefrom 4.88 acres in said Lot 3 heretofore deeded to Walter 'D~ . -. McBryde. Also excepting the-R of W of sarl.d Co 11.o_saidlarid-lying on .... ---- .... ,the Eside...of'Co Ro. Except the spring.- Subject-t'6-tibby-Hay R of W '- . "" 32 Twp-J,9N Ii) i',T1;/M --- .--.... \ _.::iPi?{). -#-21~-ft;; (;'1!".i)7::;a:/7c,()~-3- I~. I .-~ ~. "*EX'R/W -". ~ Correct descr: AI I th ptn of the fol lowing descr par lying NWly of a straight 1 ine proj from the NEly end of center pier of Old hiway U. S. 101 bridge over Kennedy Crk to a pt mid-way betwe the most SWly piers of the E-bound lane of freeway U. S. 101 bridge over Kennedy Crk, and th from sd pt follow the C/l of Kennedy Crk channel in a NEly dir to Nly bound of the fol low descr par: AI I th ptn of Govt lts I, 2 & 3; the S 1/2 of NW, and NW NW; all in sect. 32-19-3W, W.M., daf: Beginning at a pt 1.17 chns E of center of sd Sect. 32-19-3W, W.M.; (va. 22 dag. 30' E) N 560 45' W 24.59 chns; th N 300 30' W 11.27 chns; th N 70 35' E 0.83 chns; th N 330 30' E 8.57 chns; th N 570 30' W 2.14 chns; th N 260 E 0.54 chns; th S 680 E 2.34 chns; t~ N 470 30' E 6.78 chns; th N 460 45' E 7.40 chns; th E 2.66 chns to the meander corner to Sects. 29 & 32, sd Township and Range; th fol lowing the meander I ine to the NE corner of sd lot 3, sd Sect. 32; th Fol lowing the E and S boundaries of sd Govt It 3, to the initial pt, excepting therefrom two fol lowing descr trs of land: EXCEPT trs 3 & 4 of Govt It 3, 32-19-3W, (See AF# 308964) ALSO EXCEPT R/W , I ~.';-- --- -..- .1 ~ . _I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOl6ments B. of E. (Buildings) VALuE gf . Us. ~ '--;7Uu /efl/ ~H95C- 339s-o g<f 339b 33 1), (! .1 G, 3570 ES7CJ