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Yea' File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 17S SALE PRtCE'l Rd. 5oh, Port PUD FPD ~!p - ---52- 10627' Alma Bassett 3- l@, 3- 1L 501 1;;i.:Nrt. Rr'E iJ3 (j IJ/l, rr:- ?5r - '7'/ ~ ",,'1 ~ f:L 1>7) -v .d. L- I' . ill ? II-i .-Z2. b<777/1 D,' SIGNATEQ il/ I ..L i:L - - - - - - - - - - - - c-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -- ~.--'-- ." ' . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ('/ ~ /, Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE B. -J:/?i -ifrJ 9:0Cl .;;Rod 5l .3 9.00 j,()tJ 70,00 .J. 9'0 .30 :l 020 q ,37- ,;it) I, dd ?0'.dO 300 30 330 M 31.00 ;'00 '-/0.00 lobS - /Ob~ ktL af, ~ tJ cJj'Jo IO,fitJ /,:;.pJ ~ I/ao .b!c:?-.CJ ) ~ , 'I /~ /40Z1'~ ~1- ~o "" - - . , OC"cV A:J k .. .-=?~;B;6 . ~ >2 - ~t/LJ h,fc!tJ1 JI2. O~'" · ~...., a ea ." .', 1fo :A.~ , I .. ~ . 7.5 -- ii9,3o 3?>3tl' :n.R.o ~&lJ 1{.m ~~ , biJ.% ~a ~6J ,.- , ~Ij" ~~t1 '.~~ ~ ~2';:;ty 7.0 ,/7/5 '17/-5 77 :!... . '_ -=;<':z...S' ..:u~~ ~~!': - , LOT SEC. , - BlK. TWN. ROE. ~ '..::lfl . 1 q 1 .N'" BE * DESIGNA TEL> /<,171 / .7tJ~~~~ ~,;;.;.. *Ex. R/W (.~O acres) r/7iPot.3 ;2/ 75~ / - ~ ~.---- "'--==.<" . ~ :=J L: '-.' ~ U1J III~ - 7. ..e '. .~. ."'-' .,,,1 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES L VALUATIONS 1/1.5':] Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limber Unlmproyed Improved lmpro",emtntl B. of E. (Buildin91) VALUE , - 77' 'r:..~I' ::'NA '~'O .3'l,30 .30tJ":; 3006 '7f) , 3/3(J 3130 21. -=<". ~ IJ '::? f. ::?; cusS: d-t's:;- g'e <100 3/00 $/ 3f,EO 39,30 .;J'.;2 '10 .; ~90 t~ ,",1:<0' 37/0 37/0 I g3 3'130 3':;'30 393S- 3 7~S- )ill :1'1-30 39, 30 3"170 3970 - . '75 ~ 3'tqS --- - . . I -