HomeMy WebLinkAbout319301300010 Year FII' No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Ioh. Port PUOIFPO /<,/~ SALE PRICE IL1C3:J) $12500 ~ 245608 Edna Waldburger lLA Wol 'I MlLI- -3...__i--L-..li. 'Iml:JD5:J7,J () Ll.I,UJL.....J- ~ d.1~7 13 tJ ~Ij.j ,::11!-. 3115.3f'r7l~Jj aJ~ .bf<<;l- ff/...LM oJ :LLiL 2/80 373300 I R; II I k'ono ~ \ -ff:5' 1/37$(/1 .6d6 ~ ~ft1t/(_AU?:'.Co/0tR_) f( ') _ I- _ It 7'7':-,1/77~ 'f /,;,;)00 N6111fj $45500 I~ --I- - ---1---- 1---- 1---- , . J _~_____._o-.._=o...-.....=_==__-===.____:______:_~._-~ -~_:-----.7 -......--,::-- -:.,=---....=:-:. ---:,-"- - - ...=~ _..:. -::,a.:::.....-, . -....-~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V'.r Ord.r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber UnImproved Imprond Improvement. B.oIE. (BuildIng,) VALUE JfL /Iso tl f:i:o 335 k;J.:J< /s-~o .ta.. .;; ~ --t ''''~ 0)7q,;, 4f&9 , z1- l'<tJiJ % ~oo A; . .:k. bMD /10 6 (t.() ~::,-,i, 'I,~ .iL 'I !:l""o 'I.:;{) /7750 3'1300 5" ';?iJCO tr; if, s-o -r,~o 17 75"'0 3075"'0 51lsoo , LOT tEll. B\..K. TWN. ROE. 'lTllil~o~/Y)l Tract 1 of ~ NE /0(/;' C, 00 1q o Beginnin", at a lloint on the centerline of' El Paso Natural Gas Company RIW / N 17000' W 47'3.~' f'rom its in~ersection with the centerline of' county road known as Hurley-Waldrip Road: running thence S 72030 ' W 50'; thence S 170 30 ' E to Nly line of said county road: thence Ely and Sly along said Nly line of' Raid county road to Eline of' Wl, NE\ thence N alOng said Eline to the Sly liTlP "1' U S Route #101' \ said highway to a poilht E of' I.P. : thence NWl v along thence W to I.P. , pe- -.--"- "