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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,;2.5 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE' -----5Z 'Eu;;ne, E. T~10r % ,jh-l ?j ~)vL j,~ 6r&O . -3-11J.ill _ 3- _.L.... s p @)? .~ 3.....'L L I! y( / M_3..!L.LiL . ----'------ ~- ---='.; -~------'-----'---'-------------------- --------~-- --:"....:....-:.- --' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 7.3.5& Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oystor TImber UnImproved Improved 5'3 ..:J-=r 3.5JO , '1,5;00 :?5: 00 f]-5-- :J ,,-:0 ,8S:o" :35:00 ~ . 2u5 ::l.SD ,,;< b c? , 35'(;" 'Y~~- ~3o _~",r .ll Xl- .Q1 !d ~ -1/1- 2L Z1. 12. U__DE:51IGNllTr=n 7~ . ,-S: dtJ ft. 1L 7rf /4dX 2So c:{tl,o 355" ~~s:. ~:;>o t,~ /75'0 - IJ.3{) 0/'55 1!';>f!'c S-:75 ~ - ~5' .??~50 c;<6fS" 3;2. 10 3'130 ~)..3.o ~O .s~CJ _ ~/,Z:; <t{.rSo d6f..~ 32 TO 39'.30 ~tl'iJ L'?~ 1M LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. --.. DESliNA1ID /~'r;-~' "2q lq -~ NW N'" * - "' --------- ---- .,\ \oj..;~~tt:~~~tl ft} ~ .. ~ ;,-;;,"", ,..-I*"'#.~..il -. -1.' Ex. Tr. '! I .'--~""~ - -.-... - -- ,otU) -'-~ .3'1.3/5'10 .~ -~-.~ ~'I' ",e:.-.- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES U III ~ VALUATIONS .. I I I Impronments B. of E. Yellr ~rster limber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved {BuildinQsl VALUE 2t BES GNJJ TEDJ I, J{OoO 3~cJtJ '::?~,jO O.dd fUl ~",_OQ 3~o. '::;>9' . .'? -< 9 c.;- .3. .S <fJ1 3S", 00 ,ss-,oD ;J.t:,os: .1h 0.:::'- h..- '1JE~ FOBEfl'I 3.5&,0 .3.$;"60 V'3 3S;~ CJ .35:00 3}.f 0 .3 7tf'o &"I 3f?/.s 3&'/.s;- 15 -35.00 35,00 37<fS- 37</$" - ---- -- ---- . - -- --- ---- . - - .. I I I 9-'/5'