HomeMy WebLinkAbout319282380412 Year FIleNo. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /"YS- SALE PRICE! Rd. Seh. Port PUD FPD ~~/ - - - - ~./'T-~" ?:3b ~ W. C. Patterson et u.x 2 401 2. L /' - - CJ tJ CJ . ....b..3.... /1fL J(. fYu .1:' . -/ / .:2 M 3- L L 7L (/ ~......;r.4 V 0'( .L W1- ~ !L ~ fL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~ ~.,..- .---- -- . ~ .- ..._-------_._-;,._-:-:~-:.:; - --_:......- -_.: -- - -- ~ - - - -~- ~.:- - --.-.:... "'- -_..:.:. :..-~..:. ..::~~.- --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oy.ter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL ,Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Im[lrovemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .B /O,()O / (). ()/ ~ ~()() .2.00 " , ::<5'~ ~I ?&L ~ ';S'/M ~- '711 /<t10% /dt:JCJ /~tJ~ II 1060 /OOrt 'if /0,00 /O.O(J /&'"0 /000 1J1 /tJoo lOde LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ROE. l3.ti9;~~i~~ . 28 19 3 Tax 641-B /I./y"", 7' Tract 641-B Begn at the Me common to Sees 28 and 29-19-3 on the NWly line of a tr of oyster land~ conveyed by the State of Washington to Mary A Simmons by deed dat' February 14, 1911j thn N 37020' E 12.26 chns to the NW cor of said Simmons tr; thn 3 46015' E along the NEly line of said trj 5.50 chns to the true pt of begr of this descriptionj thn S 37020' W 20.16 chns and S 72048' W 19.30 chns to a r pt on the SWly line of said trj thn S 80 E along said SWly line 2.50 chns j thn N 72048' E 20.54 chns and N 37020' E 20.62 chns to a pt on the NEly line of said Simmons trj thn N 46015' W 2.50 chns to said true pt of begn, containing an area of 10.00 acres, mil, all subject to the limitations contained in the deed by the State of Washington, to Mary A Simmons herein above mentioned. ~;;:.. - - - - -- . ..":,~