HomeMy WebLinkAbout319223280090 ./ Year flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TD DISTRICTS /445 SALE PRICEl Rd. Ioh. Port PUD FPD ~( Ii\D - - - - .2L 107277 01vmpia Oyster Co. ":\ lQ2 Ii L ~ J'"( L 3()t; 3 !L 1:::.. it. - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - I- - - - ,,----- . . '- ,.,===-:: - - ...... , --.-==e - . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . v.., Old., Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved Improvements B,orE. (Building.) VALUE 53 l,f, 69 / t'S'1 c:< /00 ~/OO "'- ~ OJ.Gj/f;"- ~~.~ - .~ .~ ~:> Sd5tJJ ~.sCJ 1.i /~ /a~f.l /~~ II /0..5 00 f 0,500 e-I /8,5",9 /2;57 /&5& C) /,j5'~O ~l? . /t?S"o C/ /() S"od . , LOT BLK. SEC. TWH. ROE. - ~ let '.;28..:;ra:ob2.fD] 22 19 3 Tax 109, 110, 246, 810-815, 836 & 1011 /'1 ?I.<'"</ Tax 109 App 10015 Reversmonary Right in the desc OV ffind ~ Commencing at a rock 6xl0x12 ft on which a cr03S is cut for pt of departure jfrOm which the me to fract see 21 & 22-19-3 bears N 680 40' E 20 chs distant & the corner to see 20;21,28 & 29 in the same twp & rng bears S 550 23' w 70.81 chs distant from pt rhg; thn N 72008' E 21.42 chs to the initial pt mof this des;; thn rng S 81000' E 7.47 chs;thn S 7"10' E 7.33 chs; ")thn S 50020' W 1.07 chs; then N 780.00' W b.60 chs~ thn N 70.30' E 7.40 chs to the initial pt & place of bgn containing an area of 6.53 acres mil; Ex tax 246 Tax 110 Beeinning at a rock 6xl0x12, on which a cross is cut for point of .begin from which meander corner to sees 21 &22 bears N 68040' E 20 chains ~and corner to sees 20,21,28 &29 bears S 55023' W 70.81 chains; thence S ~89013' E 37 chains to initial point; thence S 27014f E 7.01 chains; thence ~S 880501 VI 5.37 chs;th S 51040' VI 5.20 chs;th N 68024' IV 4,92 chs; thence ",N :~:GO' E 4.15 chs;th N 4902' E 7.05 chs; th S 86017' E 3.25 chs to initial pt ~Tax 2 6 App 10015 Begn at the meander corner between sees 21 & 22;run th ~S 15' E 1.90 chs; th S 810' E 4.07 chs to i p; th S 810. E 3.40 chs; th S"~o:E.eW 550020' IV 1.07 chsr th N 780. w 4.55 chs; th N 7"30' E 7.55 chs to i p. 1.33 Tax 810 Beg. at a pt which meander cor. to fractional sees 21 & 22 bears ..N 470.13' 30.3~ W 1066.851' distant and the "rock" bears N 81029' 42.2 VI '2057.017' distant, said pt being on the boundary line of the Pot Hole Oyster " }Reserve and on the VI line of a tract of oyster lands conveyed by the St. of Wash. to the Olympia Oys ter Invest .Co. by deed dated Oc t .14, 1916 and T"mnnJ.ng th along said W line S 52o;06'48.3~ Vi 197.721' and S 37023'41.t.9" IV 6.914'; thence a19ng the boundary line of said oyster Deserve N 29~16' E 83.816' ; th N 42~lb' E 57' and N el050' E 81.762' to pt of bgn containing an area 0 f .105 acres . - -.- --. , "..- o ~ _ ~--';> __ _T ~ . ~--- . NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS YOII Oy,wr Tlmb.r U"lmprov~ Improvtd TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvod Improvllmenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE , . - - . , . , - LOT IEC. BlK. TWN. ROE. I ~ -, II ~-.- - -, r' i I Ll "Tax 811 Bepn a t a pt from which the meander cor. to fractionalsec's 21 & 22 bears N 24~ 11 ' 43. e" W 1181. 552' d5.stant and the "rock" bears N 69015 t 09.1'" 1855.914' distant, said pt being on the boundary line of the Pot Hole Oyster Reserve and on the SW line of a tract of oyster lands conveyed by the ~St. of Wash. to the Olympia Oyster Invest. Co. by deed dated Oct. 14,1916 and ~running thn along said SW line S 57"25' 56.7" E 246.898' ;thn along the boundary .1ine of said oyster reserve N 84011' W 67.508';thn N 60021' W 123f and N 27033' W 73.553' to the pt of bgn containine; an area of .143 acres. Tax 812 Begn at a pt from which the meander corner to fractional secs 21 &22 bears. N 46033'52" VI 1460.775' distant and the "rock" : p,e~~I;l. N 75049'23.4" w 2384.664' di stant, sa id pt being on the boundary line of the Pot Hole Oys ter .Reserve and on the S line of a tract of oyster land conveyed by the St. of ~Wash. to the Olympia Oyster Inv. Co. by deed dated Oct.l~ 1916 and running' ~th along said S line N 87011'06.5"W. 28.520' and S 53005'3{1.4" Vi 329.448'; ,th along the boundarl line of said oyster rexerve N 73023' E 98.916',N 55016' E 115' and N 450 E 145.134' to pt of bgn contain.an area of.222 acres. ' Tax 8~? Bgn at a pt from which the meander cor. to fractional secs. 21 & ~ bears N 53055'54.2" Vi 1734.38' distant and the "rock" bears Ii 77014'26.6" W 2720.402' distant, said pt being the SE cor. of a tract of oyster land ~conveyed by the st. of Wash. to the Olympia Oyster Inv. Co. By deed dated ,Oct. 14,1916 and running th along the S line of said oyster tract N 87011' ~06.5" Vi 20.2461 ;th along the boundary line of the Pot Hole Oyster Reserve 'S 67002' E 27,092' to the most Sly pt of a tr. of oyster lands conveyed by the State of Wash. to Jim Si~mons under App.#1867 by deed dated March 28,1899; th N 26015'02.5" E 10.678' to the pt of bgn containing an area of .002 acres -.-. -'. -- - - - - -I . -- -. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Yo" Oylt.r Tlmblr Unimproved Improvtd TOTAL OY'ler Tlmblr Unimproved Improved Improy"menb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - , . . . LOT IEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. fTL\ 1 ; ; j OJ]] ...... Tax 814 Bgn at a pt from which the meander cor. to fractional sees 21 & 22 bears N 60035'45.7" Vi 114.186' distant and the "rock" bears N 86025' 58.2" W 2249.835f distant, said pt being the most Nly pt of a tr. of oyster lands conveyed by the St. of Wash. to the Olympia Oyster Inv.Co. by deed dated Oct. 14, 1916 and an angle pt on the S line of the tr. of oyster land conveyed by the St.of Wesh. to Jim Siw~ons under App.#1867 by deed dated Mar 28,1899 ' ~and runnins th along t;1e S line of said Simmons tr.S 77"20'52.3" W 249.815'; ~th along the boundary line of the Pot Hole~ Oyster Res:erve S 78043'E 140.754' 'to a point on the W line of said Olympia Oyster Inv. Co's oyster tr; th N 52006'48.3" E 133.949f to i p, contain. an area of .164 acres. ' Tax 815 Bgn at a pt from which the meander corner to fractional s~cs 21 & 22 bears N 46054f08.3" Vi 924.802' distant and the "rock" bears N 83043'59.4" W 1938.162' distant, said pt being the boundary line of the Pot Hole Qyster Reserve and on the S line of a tract of oyster land conveyed by the St. of Wash. to Jim Si.mmons under A pp.#1867 by deed dated Mar.2/3,1899 and r1lnning th along said S line S 77020'52,3" Vi 3b.016' to the Sf! cor. of said Simmons 'l:Tr. and the SE cor. of a .tr. of oyster land conveyed by the St. of Wash. to ~J.A.Gale under App. #921 bl{ deed dated Mar.28.1899;th along the S. line of 'said Gale tr. S 56043'49.8' VI 78.213' and N 74042'21.1" W 103.745'; th along the boundary line of the Pot H ole Oyster Reserve S 5039' Vi 30.164'; S 58007' E 67'; N 88016' E 107' and N 24054' E 94.371f to the i p, contain. an area of .211 acres. Ta~i'B3'6' App R-7635 Reuersionary Right Bgn at a rock 6xl0x12 ft on \wh1.ch ~a cross is cut for pt of bgn from which the meander corner to fractional ~secs 21 & 22-19-3 bears N 68040' E 20.00 chs distant & the cor. to see ~201,21,,28 & 29 twp 19-3, bears S 550'23' W 70.81 chs distant & rng; th N 790 E2l:l.!2bchsto the i p of the tr of Oy la nd deed to Jim Simmons said pt ~b~ the tru pt o~ ~gn o_~ ~his desc:hn rng_s 70,10_~ E 7:33 chs _to ..:.he ~. . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yu, OJat.r Thl'lMt Unimproved l~roYld TOTAL Oyate, Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.of E. " (Buildings) VALUE , - I - - , , LOT BLK. '. , , I I 1 j 1\1111 lEe. TWO. ROE. - Tax 836 Contd. SW cor. of Simmons tr; th along the S In of tr N 72052' E 5.29chs &. S 86017' E 1.792 chs; th NWly to a pt on the N In of Simmons tr whic~ is S 810~5'E 6.00 chs distsnt from true pt of bgnl th N 81~45' w 6.00 chs to the true pt of bgn contain., an area of 3.783 acres. Tax 1011 App 9698 Those portions of Pot Hole St Oy R in sec 22~19-3 ' Be;n a t an angle pt in the N In of res. which is S 5003952" E 970.2 38 ft dis t. from the meander cor on the VI ln of sec 22 &. rng th S 27056'04" Vi 184.858 ft to another angle pt in resv. th along the boundary In of resv. N 42016f E 57 ft &. N 810'50' E 81.762 ft to pt in the boundary In of an Oy tr; th N 52016' 48.3" E along Oy tr In 133.5 ft; th N 78043' Vi 140.754 ft to pt of bgn contain. an area of .299 acre. Bgn at an angle pt in the boundary In of resv which is S 23027'06" E 1158.697 ft distant from the meander cor on the W In of sec 22 pt being the most Vily cor of 01y Oy Inv Co Oy tr &. rng th alone; resv boundary ~ln S 57025' 56.7" E 27.441 ft &. S 27"33'E 73.553 ft to an angle pt; th N 350 ~32'39" w 98.302 ft to i p contain. an area of .012 acre. Bgn at an angle pt ,,?in the boundary In of resv which is S 30031'08" E 1430.723 ft distant from 'the meander cor on the VI In of see 22, pt being the most Sly cor of 01y 01 Inv Co oy tr & rng th along resv boundary In N 57025'56.7" W 40.602.ft E N 8~11' VI 67.508 ft to an angle pt; th S 74011'39" E 105.362 ft to pt of bgn cont an area of .014 acre. Bgn at an angle pt in the boundary In of resv which is S 30031' 08" E 1430.723 ft di st from the meander cor on the VI In of sec 22, pt being the most Sly cor of 01y Oy Inv Co oy tr &. rng th along resv boundary In N ;13005'38.4" w 52.858 ft &. N 73023'E 98.916 ft to an angle pt;th S 660 20'49' W 149.622 ft to pt of bgn cont an area of .021 acre. The 4 tr desc have total area of .346 acre _ _,A ~..;.--:""~ ---- a-- - - -~---- --~ -