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Year File No. -NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / .?.s SALE PRICE h7 ..l...."'./1 Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - - - ---52- 89823 Wava V. Bowman .3- 09 L L I~ -"'-- - 6/ I 'J'?/31 1//d.v<<./ 1/ ~~ (P/u~ r. I 1 I , fkrm, 'f' dL/~ ~~0<3-4f-C) OCJ I)A.-'>-",_. r ~ ..I.. ~ .-1_ J.pJ ..b. , J(f ...L 3 !i.. it =~/~JJ llid<13'P1, I'5f . /.,/ ~ ;} tv' /q;)6 / . - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ----. ..,'-"'~ " .-.. < -'-:-----:::-..:.-- ~-- --.-:' -:-:.:- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -: - ~ - - - - --::::-=t- .--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .C;;:t"5 Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy&ter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bulldingl) VALUE 53 ~ ~ ~ I~ 5)0 ~ l!-9rr 53 23 ..23 /000 700 ~..s;>_ - 611 / tJoo '6$0 /$'1'0 -.55 .23 .:<3 .~ /1-0 ff() /otJ 0 .-, ..-y,? ., ?? Po $ /. ()cJ 2.~M_ /~O 50 I cJ 5CJ . 5J- :12.00 /. Cl 0 ..2:3. 00 /70 So gyo //00 61 '.2.~ - ,;/,3.0 C> .300 0 /~.;;J,< I .5"";;< ~ G~ ~O 41c.Bti ~ - " =~ ~'" g~<" 9/0 J!l /90 //61;) 5/6 /dlYf ~ v39'tl .!?.Jt' <l\.::>........:. ~ ~ -- -- iltjI J?f& /tJ.;3JL ..I.sJ1bt:) ~ ";;?J It' -~ ./.:2-'A1t:J /tJ3t:J1 1.("76< . .;l.nh"4 J3 PJt1 ,;2t!J_44 ~ #~..3tJ /5~ h 7<11 nt--II~t\'~ /9.;11' ~dg /19s- ;; ,~ - - - - 'a.,,~ 15, -" J - ~'7 /3~ , /39-5 LOT 9loK. . I, f SEC. TWN; RGE. I -~2 19 3 00 ~/-0""T"', I OESIGNA.JJ;.a /y"7E3. Govt Lot 1 e><. 3 [' .-.-_.. . .~. ----- -..----- .. lm=Rl=f1 '.. "'-- - -=. ..---...... Y.., I 0,.... NUMBER OF ACRES L VALUATIONS ~.c?O Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TimbClr Unimproved Improved Improv.ments B. of E. - (Buildin9s) VALUE 7(" I'}, '17 /9-97 /5"3:;- - /S.:sS- 77 /?1$ IF 75 21 /955' /9ss- 79 /Q,97 /9'~7 ) 7t;5" /79S" !,o /9.3~ /9.35 ?JI /1,97 /9.'17 c;{C}(d 0 ;;{06c; DBs. . ~y /boo /boo ~ 19- '77 . . 1777 /&, 9.",- /69..<;- 1/ /70';;- /7t:J.!S 1-. '6.5 i'" 10~ 1(0'60 -- - - - -