HomeMy WebLinkAbout319202400030 NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS 19!'l;" Rd. Sob. Port PUD FPD I- .8 1/0/ 3 ~,I.Y' SF ~,/ -fI J / ,1.13-11 L-3.i. L ;I , d' -1----- 7T-: p. /I~jb .2~ r)OO, Yur File No. CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE 5~ 15450. Edwin W. Taylor et ux ~/ "" _k..,LJ/X'9NsrrOAno.~ J J6 Jh .0, /" h'7.1q'1,....~q91 rOA1PA/f) ~ A ~ 11', .....-...:r i,r ~4~/~' ;;:n .JLID ~Y/,2, /i2 ~.. (11?/ 7 t; ';.5 ' 1iU:, //.f. ,ttd. r I-- _ ~Lj5";J.75:' ~ct,-IP/Wffu+ SodD !f'1 ~1?1l~ 3!<fIL 1/ -- 10>" TF-" /6~ , l<1b '. -I-- --- ----I-- ......;::,-= ':,: _'~_____ __~~__ _'_:-________________ ~__________,___ ______ _______-:___.:-:..,c__ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS " Yetr Oylttr Tlmbtr Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldh'!gl) VALUE 5f 7,6-t 7, 5'f? I/o ..57.t: 0 51--10 ,~0 <'1/;,", /j?"q '7.51: 30 ~/J ,c;.;(~/1 ,Q?o il S?:r /.,f.3 7,);F' .::J~ 60 ,..;'".;;100 53/0 id fa.S9 '103 /t? ~~ 05 //0 0""-3,5- (, wi? .td '/".39 <I: 03 /0, </;1. e,Ar -J 05' I/O 51.:lS' b/OO '* ,....... eft) /L'/tJ ~lIg5 ?~S ..;: <;".%; a ,<:; 'Aj{ , ' ,:!f/,J?/ ,b /./.1 (!) in< ~"'/"'& Pi ItYtJ % 3/tlo' 45tQO ,"'~.,,~ ~7d4t') 77 &>39 -.!L63 / fLit:::! <( 7:z0 5'/?/"J/1 5"9 'II!) iL /f). '/:J-- /a, <I~ '?<l30o d. 90oc'} /tJ'?33ot:J gf 3'13o() h 'loo/,:) 16 <?;1tJO I I I LOT BLK. SEo. TWN. AGE. LlLai~:~lfiOlOhl5rn Tract j of SE NW /// ., G,<~ 2G 19 3 Formerly: Tract 1 of \V~ SE NW & .Tract 2 of SE SE NW c Tr. 1 -Beginning at a point on the N line of BE NW; which is 300' E from NW corner thereof; thence BEly to a point on B line of BE NW which is 550' E from BW corner of BE NWi thence E along B line 110', more Ot less, to BE corner of W~ SE NW; thence N along E line of W~ BE NW to NE corner thereof; thence W along N line 360', more or less, to point of beginning. Tr. 2 - Beg at NW corner of SE SE t~; th S th E along S line 250'; th NWly to which is 125' E from I.P.; th W to I #= 9S-A- along IV a point I.P. I line to SW corner thereof; on N line-of SE SE NW I I 2-0- L c.r - ~ I {.o 2. [~IC2j~s ... --;- - .....--=_. I, ~.. - . .'