HomeMy WebLinkAbout319202300160 Yellr File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /r~ I SALE PRICE Rd. I Sen. Port tPUD IFPD I I , .. 3 i 1f12JJ 5 68 ~ F. Blackwelder et ux J.T.Cordrey 3 ,,01 L H $30.100 v. 1?1 ,A ~(/Jri) I ",. /1 ~1t'~ ~~L It "';;+'~ ~rc.j1/ -' ~ ~t~~1i - . -4 h +~ rJdiv fa. .I 0"'<6~ ;:?"(,77 O. J f 3.3"!.. u?~ .?Sf.. I'J{; t, ,II~"Y,,~/..'n, I /C ~",::.s65'C. 5 7~ '..330< f)g~ 1JP/5'f7 (J..,lI. -7 7..t..:::JT) -PI / 10 'j 3;./ LII I Yellr I Oyster !.P '1JlJ 1# 77 iJ ~ gy N ffr.f. , -- . - --- -- - -- -- - .-; '. .. . NUMBER OF ACRES I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber '~-. --::''';';'~ VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved Improvemnts I (Blllldin95j B. of E. VALUE '7~tjj' "l.'1R S~ /IJO% ~ ..5'/" ~ ,.1.. . ~ /f?~ 15'Sb 9~'1o 9z/?tJ ~/.ft.? /1'.sJ'6 /?Iof)/) :;'0 730 ~<1l/!1J ' :<f::J!?s '/IJ.'?OCJ U t. 3.5 /lluk.t .23&"0 7"1/:'0' </&3tl1'J !"XtJ3S- (J.ll 9~t1 1tf)()OO 7'/1.:-,,,0 $/~~6 J".J ~fJfit.f') l/'I7~ '1),t,s-o 7tJ9sS""' e,.ZI, ~,,~ 1t>"t1cJ (hL.,t::"t1 5".9'1!:S- 7,tfR 7,Cff? . fmIIi 1~ 7.9Y' ~ 7, 'i,r , ;/ ,. \ \ lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. 20 19 '3 r:m,-~:~~.;GlD:~ , Tract 16 of Wk NW Cl)'tlfll!;Nfull.: ,_pf1N SMOII ..JC AGAlCU\'''UIi~ .'-Y'""'-'-'S'"( / # J-~'(;,- RGE. Commencing at the SW corner of the NW NW; thence E, along S line, 200' to I.P.; thence NEly along Sly line of existing County Road #255, 550'; thence in a SWly direction 970', more or less, to the SE corner of the NW SW NW; thence W, along S line of said WH SW ~~, 460', more or less, to a point 200' E of W line of SW W~ and being the E line of a tract heretofroe conveyed to Harry Hawson under File No. 107481; thence N, along E line of Hawson tract, 660', more or less, to I.P. - '":..-~ ,-~- ~ -- ~---._--~------- A,'" ~ ~"'j