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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1:?.5 SALE PRICE' Rd. Sch. P." PUO FPO - - - - - - ~ 109286 Eugene E. Taylor..RJ ~ l ~ i... L SF P a> / .-::;;:..-." ') ,...:::;- I:' 50 - - t.tJt. r;:""::; , ~ ~ ~ .!L L. II 1 t'( ..L M 3 ..2 .L fL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e-;-' ~.- ___"':~;-__"......-. -. ~_ -._._____._:-;;-....__ ~___-==~..: ~__ _ _ _ _ _:. _.__ __'~6::'__ _ _.___~_..._~._ _ __ - , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oystor TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .5J ' - - I ~ ~ ~ c::<.S Si ).,2 S- f). .s-. 7-0 - -<I:> 51 /, ;(.5- ), ';/5- 5"0 ~O Jd /17~ j,7E> /0,0 /00 -'t ;;::;7 /d16 /c:P.6 J'.a. /t~6 /.-7< ."i ,.Z <&-- /7"'7/,} /4?fJ "14 /6"% (JJ ,;;)? dftJJ 77 /75() /75cJ 2L /, 7S )75"" 'I:<~o ~.;{ C>cJ qt- '1:;'" 0 '1;;'00 I - 1/ / 7 , - LOT BlK. ~l!.:fl~G @C'ct~ SEC. rWN. ROE. /-y-.[ .?O lq 1 - Tract 3 of SW NE \ Formerly: sk NW SW SW NE and NE SW SW NE ex. prt Tr. 1 " ':Ie . ".~--. -. - .--., ~ .-...- ~" ----"------ ~-- -. ---~ -.------ "'-".--~