HomeMy WebLinkAbout320295001004 DESCRIPTION: PLAT FORREST PARK LOT 4-A, 5 & 6-A BlK 1 ex 5-A- # ACREAGE ~~<1!516:{):t l~ SEC TWP RGE - DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT '/I' YEAR AUD.I/ TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 1F~~DO 72 fF273644 Gary Dean Rhoades et ux S 09 S 3 $14,000 ! 'ftfril IIL/'~ '8", A"L r.;;;U. . "' f.71 ,. . -'S;: 7.5's- .~ JZ. IM? '1/ ~ ;~7 1J'3f7$ I:f1..<<1A ""MId' h-tc . 607&'7 ~24950 14/71 ~a3 9'.0 :;i" ,&, ~v~J~ f} E. tJ' ~ ? bg,tJ: ..s-,// /;L %'7 'g~4~:r'/ ';/;../ A L I AI- );H0tL 71- It' I/''''ll I , v I I ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 750 3810 4560 I 74 JIih'Z .$00 z/,_;2. _CL .3L ;;). 0 if" .:J.o_~1d J:< QJi'() / St/%() '1io ..-: J'.3.!ha /598'ZlJ f'I 75o/j ,p..7~t:J 35"'000 :1</. 1500 ~ 3100 -"?,(J(" 00 gs 7.5'lf>o 1-&'700 3fe,~o(J 4 That part of Lots 4 and 5 in Block I of Forest Park as recorded in Vol. 3 of P~ats, page I, records of Mason County, Washington, lying westerly of a I ine described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the SEly I ine of sd Lt 4, N 670 36' E 14' of its SW corner; running th NWly tap on the Nly line of sd Lt 5, S 890 54' W 12' of its NE corner; ALSO, al I that ptn of Lt 6 in Blk I of Forest Park as recorded in Vol. 3 of Plats, page I, records of Mason County, Washington daf: Beginning at the N~ corner of Lt 6; th S 890 54' W alg the N I ine of sd Lt 6, 30'; th ~Iy on a straight I ine to the SE corner of sd Lt 6; th N alg the Eline of sd Lt 6 to POB. 1/~~7q'l!? (~;;:C!.';1.pESt!/C. {>>/LL.#..<< C?o...e~e.r",7J ";0#,,,,</ Fe./",c/""~€N7 .L>€€.LJ RE<7o/U>E,/J y"'F-,.e 4~,,;e ,.(".<-,.,..)