HomeMy WebLinkAbout320205601001 DESCRIPTION: PLAT HOLMAN TRACTS lOT Tract #1--0<: BLK 1 # ACREAGE ---_? .... ""\ "'j;jo'')051eO I QO' tJam;; RGE ~A ..<< . //fhuALE2~ ....... ~ .-...--.-- , !O() I DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT # YEAR AUD.I/ TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 4/73 ff278972 Judith Wilder S 30 ~ S 3 #35244 '1175 3tJ$ ;f I!;;- 1,___ P bI~ "t I :#44~,6 // %5 (3~g1l9 GA R J J :fj, t .'1 9l'i9 _ ? ~ OL.QU 0.ijLIJP<, P. X:""p Jz >c 1~~#?7.? ~ r 11 22000 ?h.., 44/ '745 -r: co<;:. , /, ""''7/8#& 6:7(2/) /, I;/<lh t(53.;1~ ? 411A-o 11. fk'5~i2zu .(/1. .\ -',' / "(" ,7 :~ U I , - ------ ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 10 850 850 '14 , t&f/o- ,J-J'P 0 /70~ 7C:> c?lJOO :::l,r, h r1 ),/ fr...00 () (<')000 14 wOOO (PtJoo -- --"- ~ . -- -- . I .. .,", , THE WEST 53,621 OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION Holman Tract #1 Bgn at a pt that is N 2017, 06" W 1006.5' and S 89023' 15" W 429..84' from ~ corner between Secs 20 and 29-20-3 Thn S 89023' 15" W 214.47' o Thn N 2 25' 23" W 115.83', more or less, to Sly line of Eagle Point County Thn N 75030' 10" E, along Sly line of said Eagle Point Co. Rd. 224.35' to a point, being on W line of Holman St. in unrecorded plat of "Holman Tractfl; Thn Sly along the W line of said Holman St., 168.85' to pl of bgn, said land being also known and described as Tr. 1 of unrecorded plat of Holman Tracts WtJf?: 7Z /./.3 , ,8/-1'" / ;/oU"HIN / ,z::, Rd.