HomeMy WebLinkAbout320205033901 DESCRIPTION: PLAT HILLCREST ADD YEAR AUD. # 69 #241506 TITLE HOLDER CCNTRACT TO: lOT 3 BlK J Tr .If:~of SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT # RO SC PT UO FO HD CD SALES $ iF 10LO~ S 30 3 $22,000 f3$ '" .38~cc, "00 if/: ACREAGE r3)r01)fOS-D~373107 Donald E.Danie1s et ux jj"J .28~ t1S7 11I<.jft'JJ7;-/-;dj/~/;d 111u; 3~'1.5-6'; 1?':.,d/71JU"M ,;IT,., 1'k...) -,,,,-, ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 I 1350 10080 11430 71-/ I '~A '1 lijao -2.(J..L 60_ L.2..z ~6.D -pI.. J:J~- ~/5La ;)1./&,/(; '61 ~lfoo ,-/~qOo c;~ 3o() 'i,L ..<>., ~'IO{) L/-<l1o() 53 3 OD 8<1 C#n~ .:. ./) ~, . J, ell 7 "/yi;:\ ../_- - ~ q /Jt'1 I "q 11m 75 -0 . (05 Beginning at the SW corner of Lot 3 Thence E along S line thereof 50' Thence NE1y parallel with E line of Lot 3, 30' Thence W 50' more or less to the E R/W line of State Highaay; Thence S along E R/W line of State Highway 30', more or less to the pt. of bg. ALSO: Beg at SW corner of Lot 3; th E along S line thereof, 50'; th NE1y parallel with E1y line of said Lot 3, 30' to I.P.; th Continue NE1y parallel with E1y line of said Lot 3,9.90'; th N 82051' W 50', more or less, to E1y R/W line of State Highway No.9: th Sly along E1y R/W line of highway, 17.20', more or less, to a point thereon which is W1y parallel with the S line of said Lot 3, from I.P.; th E1y, parallel with S line of said Lot 3, 50.78', more or less, To I.P. HI LLC'3.E.~LADD. lOT 3 Ir.._2_oJ_ BlK J DESCRIPTION: ~ PLAT if/: ACREAGE SEe TWP RGE -- - ~-- -- DISTRICTS t RO T-'SC AFFIDAVIT YEAR J AUD. , TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: JPT UD I CD SALES $ - -, - Ts $7000-- V79i 366846 Reid L. Mitchell et x S 309 3 #64996 i ~- t-= -- - .- -. - --. -- -_. - - -- -. . --- -. - ~--. --.- -.- -- --_.- , - - .- -- ACREAGE 'IAlUATlON I -~- ~.--:- B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPRDVEO TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL ;N ~;? ~O 3.3::0 - c;"'" , .- 01 5>?oo S5?oo - <gl/- 5"800 5 fi' O.iL. - Y;t ~ d 1 f 1.'\ I 'T ~ /;>" , .[:,+-. ,~ '.- . . I I. 1 'f' J tf.t'l , . , - .- -- - -- . - (pfr; . That ptn of Lt 3, Blk J, Hi I Icrest Addn as recorded in Vol. 2 o~ Plats, pg 39, records of Mason County, Washington, daf: Commencing at the SW corner of sd Lt 3; th N 880 35' 29" E alg the S I ine of sd Lt 3, 50'; th N 060 51' 55" E 39.90'; th N 820 51' 00" W 47.60' tap on the Ely r/w I ine of PSH #9 to TPOB; th S 820 51' 00" E 47.60'; th S 060 51' 55" W 39.90' to the S I ine of sd Lt 3; th N 880 35' 39" E 102' alg sd S I ine of Lt 3 to its SE corner; th N 060 51' 55" E 26.34' alg the Eline of sd Lt 3; th N 810 59' 14" W 86.94'; th N 830 04' 42" W 61.66' +- to sd Ely r/w line; th SWly alg sd r/w line 2.68' +- to sd TPOB.