HomeMy WebLinkAbout320205005900 # ACREAGE ~. . - - ^ 0<"' CJ '/\' SEC ~O~C6y, ..l_<2...~ S/' 0 +- 2 BlK Tr. 2 of TWP RGE - '1C'L' 5 DESCRIPTION: PlAT HILLCREST ADD lOT .. . I AFFIDAVIT 41- DISTRICTS YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ S ( 1132305 S/72 lF272037 Selmer L.Shtwstad et ux S 30 3 ~3500 '%/ 3/7 /t) 1 k. ./JJJ rJ I .I., / 3t7?iT) '~. <$'-f"S.sa: Od.~ . If 7A ''::- U<./..."J tl U ..., lOt:... .~~/)/tft+ - -=df.. :7 :LOS";! .,(~: ""~ ',... / " I ACREAGE VALUATION B Of E YEAR TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 , 500 1750 2250 7i! ~ ,- LLMc1 ,3$00 .I/-S'i:?o. 74 <0 0 @- is /00<> J:<'vo /..I..S(}o 7IS C' .:;.. -=- G' ~ / S-O>O> .73SO {l J! stJ ?)l ,'17(,,0 rDJOO IJS/'~t.,c iN 97&;0 /0100 I U'60 y("" .fr..~-:l( 11 ~'71" () ./O,lO(J _ r-/i J' (., G, , ,0 .. //9 Tr. 2 of Lot 2, Blk. 5 Hillcrest Add Bgn at the NW cor. of said Lot 2; thn E., along the N. line of said lot, 75'; thn SEly, to a pt. on the S line of said Lot, 78.5' E. of the SW cor.;thn W. along the S. line of said Lot 78.5' to the SW cor.; then NWly along the W. line of said Lot, 72.98' to the pt. of bgn.