HomeMy WebLinkAbout320196200012 DESCRIPTION: PLAT MARY WILLEY LOT E~ Tr .12 BLK 19/>/0 77Z /5 C SEC TWP RGE /:) # ACREAGE ~ 0; I: ~: "..;2; Q 0; 0./1.1\ 77C /72 LC? DISTRICTS AFFlOAVIT'IT YEAR AUO. /I TITLE HOLOER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HO CD SALES $ 70 /f2554l6 Louis. Wilson et ux S 09 S 3 $100~ 3177 3:27 /~.J LJI tp5. 7?r~J! 72 J., d. If ~ ~ ":>/7S'~ <t!/-1 q/RO oA.Q7QI Frlw~rrl (.;. .1()~lin At ,I> [eMi'l ri vn 1 {I g6?~~9 , b/.i?<;- t/</" 9'77 ~~~ JtdsAL 'A ~..J ,-.I tic 7' ~ YSfO ,,;~ 'I1?t, t/s/<l9D fl, ,-I'M,Or n ""t/ ,,/, ,., WIJ 5.a-b tis ;),251 t..L" /J.. .d. ;Jt-u.U. b ~i/~ :Ifo YV(,c'3 Is' /6 on 0 -,,,,, U (/ I I ACREAGE VALUATION 8 OF E YEAR TlOELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO BUILDING TOTAL 71 , 120 120 74- , .:z .l/ a ~ .;2~() 710 t:J./ 7 (){) 700 77 (?", ..." , -/l /;i'C , /.;)" ')...,~ .\ "1a;i7) I~s-o 8'"1 I/() ~'70 I 00 ff)<.f ~o , ~ /0370 7100 17'170 , // /:2. E~ Mary Willey Tract #12 Commencing at a point on the S. line of Mason County Central R.R.Co's R/W between Sections 19 & 24, on the"rwp: line. between Ranges 3 & 4 in Twp. 20: thence Ely along said R/W 730.01'; thence S. 7030' w. 40' to the. initial poitlt of this description. From said initial point run S_7030'-W;-.141.50'; thence N 460 W, 23.1'; thence N 7030' E 125' more or less, to the R/WiJ{-the County road; thence S 82030' E. 20'; to the initial point, and being in the NW NW of Sec. 19-20-3 -( .7/ ~J' , ir, +- -" ." '1./'1. . "- . .1. :;'...v~ ' .t. / , . . ,- ~.AI-' <__ " : "">..-Jt. .A 'AeM-tO-S+45!~ p~ wo~+e~e4+ 5ui+de~x3 '80d e4+ 0+ 19'1~ 'peo~ A+unoJ ps to eUi I AeM-+0-+45!~ AIS e4+ 5uole M 10~oZ8 S 4+ ~p~ A+unOQ e4+ to eU!1 AeM-tO-+45!~ AIS e4+ ~ ~+ e++eAeo ps to ~eu~o~ MN e4+ 0+ 3 ,0~oL N 4+ ~ 1P1091#'~'\I ~epun '~~61 'I~ +sn5n\l pe+ep peep Aq '~eMOp!M e 'e++eAeo A~~eH 0+ peAe^uo~ puel to ~+ e to ~eu~o~ MN s4+ to M 10~oL S +ud e 0+ 3 09v S 4+ ~ 100'~ZI M ,0~oL S snu!+uo~ 4+ ~puel to ~+ ~~ssp U!4+!M s4+ to 80d e4+ ~ p~ A+unoJ ~~01+ew-uo+le4S S4+ to eu! I AeM-tO-+45!~ AIS ,OV M ,O~oL S 4+ ~l iO'OIL SU! I AeM-tO-+45!~ ps 5uole Ai3 4+ ~OZ di4SUMOl U! V ~ ~ suoi+~es uesM+sq eu! I d!4SUMOl e4+ uo 'vZ ~ 61 uo!+~es ueSM+eq SUI I AeM-tO-+45!~ s,AuedwOQ peo~i !e~ !e~+usJ A+unoJ uosew to SU! I S 84+ uo +ud e +e 9NIJN3WWOJ :tep AI~eln~!+~ed '4seM 'A+unoJ uosew U! "W'M'M ~-OZ-61 MN MN to u+d +e4+ 11\1