HomeMy WebLinkAbout320175129003 n I AFfiDAVIT # DISTRICTS YEAR AUD. If TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD I CD SALES $ I 4+"?'7-...JU~~ 72 11185270 Marden M. Str2ffid et u Dale Thurman et ux S 30 S 3 1132635 3/73 31/ ()fiG 5 " -10, :In" r'. J. _ D ,/;/-:'";-,J.f t 3f? (" :2h1 316 5b & t/o /J' ~ L' .~. " ct " f " , , UAn " " " Pa,U.l E. Pflueger et al ( ee ba k) $15000 .::J rY"r7\ ...,- .:x I If '\ .. I I - lOT Ex. SEC 3 & Tr I of 4 BlK 29 Tr. 2 OESCRIPTIDN: PLAT AMENDED & CORR # ,/, ACREAGE TWP RGE ACREAGE VALUATION B OFE YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPRDVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 I 100 ' 3200 3300 , 74 CJM-Z ~,.,<' ~ 1./ IN> d, ktJ 0- 7Jb ---- -. $tj(;) UJ,t)J.J..%2CL ?l' eu..m.~ .-? .5k,(j /df /iOl 7 S1~~""" I?I I A'111' /2' /S-O .. '- il/ /J'lO /3/50 109'60 , , ,- ~Ol --- - Tr:act I of Lot 4; bgn at the.SE.comer of Lot 4; thn West on a true Ii ne-a-d istance:of'::6 'i. thw'N 120 E a d i stance.oLI8. 7'; thn on a true_l,i ne~aaTstance of 19.25' to i P -' ' That part of Lots 3 & 4, Blk 29, Amended & Corrected Plat of Shelton as recorded in Vol. 2 of Plats, pg 19, records of Mason County, Washington, lying Ely of a I ine running S 120 W from a point 15' E of the NW corner of sd Lot 3 tap 6' Waf its SW corner thereof. et al: Leon E. & Kristi M. Pflueger, H&W Paul E. & Viola M. Pflueger, H&W