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v.... File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlsmlCTS Ic/; SALE PRICS Rd. Beh. Port PUD FPD - - - - , 4781/0 Bill Den; et ux S FP - 1 53 ~ J&J I-- -L - --1- L.~" . /0/7 (J? tl'h____ ,~~~ A- M 2 -i L ~ :r 7/ 1D h~ If jJ,. /L;,1, . ';:'/_#/-"''''-</ fa,; /1'lJf;J 0;. AD d, [J." ,;:0,;,01 ) t !/ y/ L .>07 .3 ;.f L it ~ V f"' (/ I eo.. ') - - - O' - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - . . ---- . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . ~ ~~ Year arltlr Tlmb'.., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngt) VALUE ,-5""3 ~,70 (P.70 :<0 dZO 51( ;2.0 ,/,/0 7.;io a ~7t1 /- cJrJ 6:.-:70 ;:(() 9'0 7/0 7'7d , . 5'7 ,-('.7/1 /.. dO 6,7 c:J S-o ~o 7/CJ ,FoCi 1;,:;/ 5.10 I, tn) (" 70 70 So Icfl 0 1t).3o 1t:L: ~ .,P 9a ht'J JA/-('- 19/0 11,.0 _.1;; ~ ,,-Q ~.;..;rA 5?'dtJ ~ '!/X'7rJ 7'# ,k,~ """',0.0 /&10 //11/0 ~ 1h c;, I'J'" J, ~Ci (P:7 ( 'U3tJ /19t/.tJ 1'It! 7<1 , , .,- .1/ ~ 3c> -0 '/':'30 8'0 72~c (('('fo !1f-{7G xa j-:i , /" J /of/. .30 -Et 'f{'3o - -<:.,.;." _11...-, 9./ 5:00 /. 70 b.70 ,?'lIoCJ :?Shnco '1'170 " 11 /ttao e /.y,1(tJO g~ .21JoCJ c:>.:;r;,oo </'1700 COT BLK. , i , ,:"._--._~--.,,_. . __;F-.-'-~'~_'-.'_._ ~-.~~~''''';--''f Beginning at the NVi corner of NV, S\~; run thence E, alopg the N line of N;i SW, 560'; run tl'ence EO, parallel witt the Vi line ]65'; run thence SWly to a point on the ~ line of said NN ~W which 675' S thereon fro[;J the point of beginning; th ence N, along 'Ii line, to tr:e point of beginning, ex. R/v:. -~_.,---- "',,.';...., -.,_.,;;;; ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES ~-o;:;:~;;mb.r ! Unimproved Improved TOTAL 2:;'1---' ~ .!l y<f L7'.oa /,70 t.- 76 fS,ocJ 1,7d t,,7tJ /.,- __,O() /. !.~ 'liJ l$ _'_~_____ ~. S00, 70 5.7<J 1_ Se.' s..- Q ~-\- ..319132;;J.'fLoQJ1 -------~----~---------- ---- .-, ~ I I I 1 Oyster [:, F," .' k J ~"'" , /i .-.r '" .../ I Timber /'," .,- I-rill f I . 6"R tJ VALUATIONS Unimproved I Impr~v.d Improvemenf$ (Bllild;n9S) B. of E. VALUE i~j /J'?oo r&- Off!Oo _'U/oO "..,-"~,, <;'7700 / R $'00 '\ -e- ;!' .p(jCJ :<S'bOCJ :l5(,oc) S"1;;J,tJO //'700 -f"j- / 1'1'002 .;(5(..,nO 1-"5/400 5' /~CJO IW~oo ----e. /k2oo i( I I 1___- :___.==1 ----------. -- -.------.- -~--------~ ---- ---- < ;-~