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-;:~--FlI. No_ -"l----~-.-- NA.ME of OWNER I ~J UI ) 7/76 31~913 j)e1son Lluber Company i.jgs Jj J./ 0 N ~ CLASSIFlED '~~ ~i~~ Z).7/,..J1 A -I- ,h..I) k. ----+----- ..- -1----_. . -- . .~:U~:ER~F ACRES -. Year _ Oyster I Timber 7S:-C'R'EFOREST ~cw 84.28 ~5'- . I 9k -- --- ~-~ ~ . 1---' LOT SEC. ILK. TWH. aGE. TOTAL 16.87 /(.,.87 /b,k 1 " CONTRACT TO , , . ---.' Oyd.,. DISTRICTS : ';'"'" :'1": J'/ I 13 0 ' ..!i.. -- - -" - -~ .-_.... VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved 210 ")./3S .;Jo/:!: i "',.'Il. .0 t-3111Cfl , 1'1. I ~~ III .: ' .. -.' ,~~ "'~.. ..-~...",_.::-::::.~ --~...,::,;~I."";~:-~~~ /<><.5 I SA.LE PRICE L H L If $8000.__ ';IS>?;? ~ 4>Q! 93'1 0 WJ:J ..,--.- .- 1".80 8. of E. VAlUe Impro....m.nts (BllildinQ'J 1-70 "),,/$::;- ~l'J/.s' _-~~~"<' <':'!".-",~.",,:!"~~''1.~T~-;''''''-_;~tl!<'"''!'''~'''_:"-' ->~-w:.,.-<-~- "~..--.",~:",<"".-..' - ",,-.-,~-~..-il';, !hat ptn of tlW NW 19:'19-3W.W.M., lying west of State Highway 108, EXCEPT the'N/I00' thereof, and excepting also the Burlinton-Northern railroad right-of-way and public ~~-- ~~C'C----=,,-~~~c=. - eX ,02. A'- ~~=' rOil- ,pr,qre ;"/"-1 AF..... '-I3z<lS3 ~""""- rds. , . ."---- ~