HomeMy WebLinkAbout319191100060 ., V.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I .:zS SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - <;2 Mike Krise l JL L L - - Ef 2i- 'If? 50.' ;~ 3 'fa ( .3 SIP #/<L-,{,J,7 ,?;", (Ik! )f g"'~J 1/ 1"3 iq"q :f IL If,I '77(, ~ L (tJh~ .2S4;..Jj' I . OJ! lc/ wi:#:. -, J.u-/ 2Io),D 2'( / 1109 ~ 3- b. 1L , f6sO:; ~ ~:;:r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'. - - - - - - f--. - - - - - - _.. ,. '..1""Ili' . --~-.- --- --- - , NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS ,t{.,J90 Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE ,.9 / .9.j( 7 .' u.2J.-- $-d --;g'-cJ- .5J 10..2 7 /,J21 2ft! .2 80 , ~I C? 33 9.33 .;( j't) =l%O IU . ~ 3.5""0 35'6 iM fl$3 9!3~ -%5' 9"~S- - ~I- . . / J'7/J /37tJ /~c:i'~ S~'f/(J SIt/a 7& '/,'( 7c!,Jo _ V~j CJ.I 9.35 7. 33 /f??<o /f?q-d IsN It6~o /dl6.s-o - I .., . , ,..... lOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. . . .' ~ , .", -. ---':00 '..' _,',''''_0_ -_",.. "'~... _~.. ~. - '~;_;-' #'". '.,' - -..' ~':...,._. -...-....--:--~,......~,,'- -<?':'.' Formerly: Tract 3 of NE NEiT \: Following dese land in See 19, Twp 19 Bgn at pt on See line which is W 7.44 19 & 20, said Twp and R, run Thn W on said see line 3.~5 ehainsj Thn S 16.14 chains more"or"1ess to R of W of Port Blakely Mill Co. railroadj 'I J0';c' Thn following said R of W in an Ely direction to a pt which is S 15.31 chains from pt of bgnj I' ,t. Thn N 15.31 chains to pt of bgn contain 10.27 acres, more or leas. /'II,',!; . 91 ~.-:z: ~ ~ (/9&/) -P'/75c/Oc' N, R3 W, chains from l-j1 i ,,; '1 corner to Sees 17, 18, ". -~:.:- . " ~. "'~~"--" ""..--"~ ~ ----~,- ';~~j Year Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /fLS- SALE PRiCe Rd. ""h. Port PUO FPO - - - - <=;2 11 065 Bert Rau 3 4 3 L if ......~71' - - :?~. 000 J_) ,5K' ');.~ 'T7~ Q?}JJ1f7~ H~" #.1 ' I ,J. r'A..J,,-1 ,-. (" ) :&L ~ ;f Sf '" Alw'Y' w,~ ~ -. . ,- ,- f f - I 3 1- -:l' . '-.;J 11,,,,1' .;L ~ I:L J71 L ~ - ~ d L 1L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J.-_~""'h _..-'- '.. - - ~:e- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE J)~ ~ k ~ ' ~ /(/J> ::< 00 -k77 Q;1 "1-.). 7 ~ 1,:;,)7 So ISO ;) cJ. "" .& , - ,- /, %3 ,? <If /(7., 1-1- /0 .;/00 ,::?~ 1; II)?.J /J,~<j Ie. .:' /' _ S-o ;(' ~o ;;;:{90 /, $'3 1-~3 3. ob, c::::> M 60 J...:lJ - .3, t) (p ~~ (Po c'o C,'t, B-- '7..< - ?5 "/JfJ ." ~ 9.;1cJ 74.~ 11/ 1~G1.% /J'f/tJ /d'~t5 7fL ,;;{/ '1~ cSI/L/O - , 1L :Joc:, 3. 0(" .7tJ5O .3",50 L _J .. /,I/,j) 2.. / .. -_.. il/I<'C. I .A ..- - LOT BLK. , / SEC. TWN. RGE. 1IIIIt [1 ( [ I t t " '. "',/J<oI,,'-'" . . - . , "",' . . .. . ,'. j:;"" - ~;,,; ~-"'-"-: ~~,- ~,. - Formerly: Tract 2 of NE NE Bgn at pt on Sec line which is W 14.09 chains fromthe corner to Sees 17, 18, 19, 20, Twp 19 N, R3 W, WM, run Thn W on said See line 6.33 chains or to W line of NE~ of NEt of said See 19j Thn S on said W line 16.,56 chains, more or less, to R of W of the Port Blakely Mill Co's. railroadj Thn following said R of W in an E1y direction to a point S 16.1t chains of the pt of bgnj Thn N 16.14 chains to pt of bgn, save and except lands heretofore conveyed to the State of Washington for a R of W 1...;?/ ~10 ~~ (/961) #/7&1S-& -~-- - '-. ~...~<-:-- ~ - V... File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I <;/.:j SALE PRICE: Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - - - ---52. 11 722 Donald v. Morris -i. -.lL l L . , J. - - - ..51' /5?b r;-3 teA .//1/ /' IA (? /d, ~P./ u->, ~ 40/ .;L if SF !) 1[; cJ cr O.dtJ - - ~ 1C'1 ~ L .L /-l %1 .L W - lL !:L ..L K - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - . ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..-. --,. ' - .~.~~ - ;. ---------------------------~-------- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlter TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuIldIngs) VALUE .C'i ~ ~ ~ ~ 53 79t) 7,90 ,Zoo .:2 01 .-s2 /~? -k2.""- :%'90 /0 / 5(1 /7'cJ i;. , ' . , /'~G (".1:1 7, 70 5'0 Iflo ;;<30 it I. "c" f. 1')i. {",t)O / .50 l,f 0 ~ac> ~ ~ ~~ ,;(~~ ' :i.?" ~ . .~ ~ /~~C1 /7'.50 "f:2 , 0- .l/"/ ~.f/? /1 jl'cJ /9'/d '71/ 1~17'% ~il1 S/??t7 7(, f/"""'j f'S'3{! -- -' 9j fo. '-17 (" </7 t.'/5CJ (. 'fSo L /) - . , - , 1.1,' -: / ' .. - - .. .. - , " , " LOT BLK. \ SEC. TWN. RGE. 111111 [ I I I I I I .. .. .. ~..,.- Tract 1 of NE NE ex. Tr. 6 Bgn at NE cor of SE~ of NE! of See 19, TWp 19 N, R3 W, Run Thn 439 ft to Port Blakely R of Wj Thn W along R of W 440 ydsj Thn run S 133 ftj Thn E to pI of bgn, contain 8 acree, Exe tract *6, /-'/0 ~.-Z JM ~ (;NI)~700{,3 ,-". c. ~ -" *---T:\____ fPr C , \ ~_.... -,- ...,