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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I-f/ S- SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - r;2 lOl"q" W. J. Cothary 3 4 3 L t:.- - - - Z jI / 0'tJ~ 1.,1. 1ft' ~4g~!-'~~ .1.. :f!!2L ..2-. SF 17"" ~1'/?, \!N~,;;gg ~ 2d 7' 7(" vue. 2.. d.. L N %( i m .3... 4- .J... JL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~---~~:_~-------------~-----------------------------------------------------~--_-:~----' NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved ' morovemenh B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ~3 .~ -ryL "!5f g5 ~ 1-$0- '2 ~ = ~- , ~ ~ J ~ t3 . '1 .3/11 9:3'1 / -'I tJ &0 IJ'O 3 8~ -.If' (",:3 '1 ,; /N') 7-JY /4/'0 (:- c) //0 <if/I;; 1,1 &,..3 'I 3,crz, 9'-3'1 I~o 90 .:230 %0 ~ 17~ ~tJtJ ~7;'" /0 9'~ .;J31tJ 3~O , //3 ;Pt! /"70 ";;--;7 {) Ill< ~ , . /6'"" //t:) .::2,/<, $fft@ It, ~ 71:> 5J'~ - ~ ~/5 L){; S- l-i~ ~11~ . .- ~g7~ #3~ .,;( .5~ 1%61 t// fl'o .;2~~" "~a 11 ~V~ ~ 3;. ,1 &77?J - -, )r/ fiN d- e.! ;7.9 (~tI /foo 4500 )0 .:L/S6 17..(0 7/,7 :J I;?o 1< I L. /',L 2900 --ft ,;z '!'OC) ...,,~ . I LOT BLK. -1lc i.l.D.(), r). i ,n; I -. ~ ... -..-. SEC. TWN. RGE. Il 'Xl . 't__".._.;.,.c. ......... ~ ...... :::"'1,;1!nt~,;,;- - 7' ..,- ~ , ~, , "",,, -- .......... -iii- ,.........,.,...-- ~---~- Formerly: E 320' of SE SE i .-.... -- -'.~_. *Ex. E 192' I I I I I I I I I I ~,t" . NUMBER OF ACRES r 1- VALUATIONS . 11mb., I Unimproved I ImproYed TOTAL Oyster limber Unimptoyltd I ImprQ".d ImproY.m.nts I B. of e. (BuiJd!nQs) VALUE 1L 1---' , J, I) C; ..:? 71- 3710 . 1:l.7S-0 1:1. 1-"0 ,;>'I7tP CJ 5il if; 1 f /-. 7;{5'tJ 7':<50 -. ~ .M. f--.- - 1.21-50 L..2/~~ t> ,:2-,1p(jO ~) , I 702,50 V 7.?-So ~3 "ry.,(>, 1:;1",0 1~C/q!lO ---- n ----- f 7:2.50 ---&- 7d-.SO li. /, 0 CI ::( "I!, ~, 7b );J 7!:'o JI/,;{I)C1 ..'U.. 95"(') .1'L /, u () .., ~-,' -.- ~'- f~, ;, f 7;;. IS- -9- 7 -< /s:- ""'I' ' . ~-; ::"'. " b , " . ,-------'- -_.- -. - 32, 1------_. ----- ..--. ---- ---~- I,J7Kf) Lr.:;JDO 1,],.;,950 ~, jJ,j(..J 1.2..10 ,;;. '7b --' ! ~l~/~ (~ I ?,'N~ .- -~-- 1==1 - .-' -_.~.- -- ---- -- - f--- ----. ~. 1-- - f--' --- ~---- 1-' -. - -~--- -- -. ----- , . i , .~j I