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Vear rile No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1'-/..5 SALE PRICe: Rd. Soh. Port PUO PPO -1- 52 120881 Mason County 3 4 3 L - - - -- - .2..L 17~,;lf/ jL-/;, &u /tZ .P~ t.. V'V\{\ 1-3 ku7l 3- B: u . 13 RC19 1,:1 1<'/ L li.. /l! .L $0'1 3 d ..l:::. 1L - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I~ -.. _.-'.. . .. -.....--.. .,.---- ---- ---,----=-===..........-_...-----:------ "'... -Il>. =-.-.....- ~ ~ .. .~. . , -n';~ , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OJlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemanu B.ofE. (BulrdlnQI) VALUE ,761 . - , LOT BLK. .......~ sec. TWN. RGE. '\- - ..._.:..:<-c~ , ..'\ u that portion of N! SE NE, Sec 18, Twp 19 N, R3 W, Wm, lying E of line of Olympic Hy. Exc. S. 100 ft. Formerly: Tr. 8 of N~ SS NE S of Hy. ~~.-4-..~ ---~~:i>-~~---C------~- _.- ~-_._- _",.--.,,'_-~.~_,.7 -' ,... '. >~