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Yur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I~;;- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! <;2 1~},7~1 Edwin M. Petty et ux ~1---1.J_l_..L.._ ///l:1ql1-1/t; /I // (l./" .3 "EtZl._J _L SF!> 6 'lr 3M 7,f.0l~ r4/ ;1). . () () / dL2fl._2.. 'I L !-I ;; 9 U ---J ;j~. /(JdL) -f- ___ --' '70''''''' 1/111'1 ~71&/'? IOeWev j ~;/t;t- f'J:---ff" " Fr _lJ;Mj_c3....!:L..LJ{ I~!I l/>g19q/ ,~ )f,_lIlJ~; ~ taoo ___--, I-- ---- Ii:=- Yd"'/;:> ~~--~~--------~---------------------------------~------ .-----~- " .. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS '~'-~.- Year Oyster Timber Unlmpro...ed Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro...ed Impro....d Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngs) VALUE 15'2 ,.3.00 3,0(. 030 .~d 51 ,9,/);, S I'};,) 5'0 ':>0 ~ ,.~.' '13a 9t'@ 3.00 .:,!, o.t) So t,~ .$B ? 4J:1J 7.$K> {;;;, ta~ 65 ;?'J..-j 9/jt; tor; /t? t:J ??S' /cJb5 ?IJ 3dtJ ~. ':! ~ /;at; /:1'~ ~ K".5b '?r/ , -7.Hs I//~~ ~dt% 3?:10 , 77 3,00 ,~;'.t.:,c ~tJ('u / ()SJ5'O /S,FE;"tJ fl/ -':"~^. /!2:!:o 3;t,oo . /B:<so W ,gdJ ~ 1i- Ii/( //50$ IK 356 ;{ ,fS'!;; ?f 300 3oC/ //~tJ_C;- :;J,16oCl 33 IDS- , lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. j~ ... ." ..~. -. ~-- .- ~" .~~" ,:,"-'~".<_~ - >-. .'~ Formerly: Tract 4 of Sd SW , Bgn at the corner of Secs 17, 18, 19, 20, Twp 19 N, R3 W, ThnJt 590 ft; . Thn N 769 ftto IP; Thn N 260 30' W 334 ft; Thn N 300 30' E 303 ft; Thn E 146 ft; ~hn S 70 30' W 195 ft; Thn S 60 E 299 ft; Thn in SWly direction S 610 W 157 ft, more or less to IP Contain 3 acres, more or less. ~- ----.- .----..~-;..-~ --~ ~.v=-~~_'-'-c-~