HomeMy WebLinkAbout319122200030 .. DISTRICTS 1.1/5"" Year ~!i1. ':1,0,;" O,P NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO PUO!FPD I I I SALE PRICE Rd. Sch.1 Port il4 #-..5:36 J? -. 66 220<)10 Robin Greem,ood 11 O( L H ~.L-. 3f r..7 }.;;;/d,%y(j :1/ ( 13~~ L If 'Iht, 3tfJ~~ 1:P;;:A.rIOL~ tI L" Jd" n .~ ,L '"') #;;09;/"1 1/ ..... 1 1 1 I I I I ! I I i I I .-- I l I - , .. - t---!. NUMBER OF ACRES I ! VALUATiONS Year 1 Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I ! Oyster I~mber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements I 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE I~l /.:!J! J rt1 /S'O 1/_4...9 39'01 3<?o I~h .A-J' /j'7o #70 Ii:; <:v..... 1t4 -~9~ ~~ l- ~~6 111 -' 'i;; ~ SUA ~ //1./67" /L /l ~..... I~ -;, / iL L,,,, ~ /- <;,., /!J/l 1; , ~q% //l,?dCJ 3'//';?eJ ^, 0 1-77 ' " 3( / p~ 5C 5'KS- j ?- ,~-, .. , . L/i ~ . /'/ ;: ?,~~ I- , r" , /. if r! s-t.,O('l() "':J~-1:'" //9'::-00 -'- . / . i' ~ '" j;L 3 ,;;J.OO .' " LOT BlK. .. e SEC. TWN. RGE. - 1'1.... ..- . . ... '.-, . ....--~~- -~~,- ,~.~-~-~.-.-,.,..-- -. "~"~~ -~.;~ ~€ Commencing at the Mv corner of Govt Lot 1; thence E along N line thereof, ~65'; thence S, para'lel with W line of Gcvt Tot 1 4~O'; thence E parallel with IT li~e of Govt Tot 1, 285' to I.F.; thence continue E parallel with N line of Govt Lot l, 1 ~O'; thpnce S paral leI wi th \v line of Govt I,ot 1 110', more or less, to S line thereof; thence SWly, along Sly line of "ovt Lot I to a point theron S, parallel with W lice of Govt Lot 1 from I.P.; thence IT, parallel with W line, 252', more or less, to I.P. ADO BY Ey QeD Boundary line Ad.j. (AF # 448128) ~-. ~.. ",,*,,-.b.<.~. A tract of land in Government Lot one (1), Section twelve (12); Townshi~ nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Government Lot one (1): thence East, along the North line thereof, 365.00 feet; thence South, parallel with the West line of said Gover~ment Lot one (I), 430 feet- thence East, parallel ~ith the North l~ne of said Governme~t Lot one (1), 245 feet to THE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 9001' East 255.15 feet to the Southerly line of said Government Lot one (1); thence North, parallel with said west line of Government Lot one (I) 252 feet, more or less, to a point East, parallel with said North line of Government.Lot o~e ~l), fr?m the point of beginning. thence West, parallel.w~th sa~d.No:th l~ne of Government Lot one (I), 40 feet to the po~nt of begInnIng. ALSO, a tract of land in Government Lot one (1), Section twelve (12), Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., described as follows: COHI-IENCING at the Northwest corner of said Government Lot (1); thence East, along the NOrth line thereof, 365.00 feet; thence South, parallel with the West line of said Government Lot one (1), 430 feet; thence East, parallel with the North line of said Government Lot one (1), 245 feet to THE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continue East, parallel with said North line of Government Lot one (1), 130.00 feet: thence North ~30451 West 89.90 feet; thence South 46015' West.93.91 feet to the point of beginning. .~--